On the success side, it might mean specific revenue, product release, merger and acquisition opportunity, or reduced liability directly attributable to a particular SOA project.
"Indiscriminate use of the product can cause side effects such as inflammation of the salivary glands, nausea, rashes, intestinal upset and possible severe allergic reactions," said Hartl.
On the product side, he was a pioneer in embracing the techniques of top-class industrial design for the company's hardware and usability for its software.
I occasionally have to pull my car over on the side of the road for a moment to write down an article title or a new product I want to create.
The product information is stored in the SQLPRODUCT table and when this table is selected, the list on the right side is populated with the columns in the table.
The next months will bring many additional product features both on the end user and content provider side of things.
The stored procedure basically executes an XQuery which generates a layout showing the product details, along with its picture, as well as additional thumbnails on the side of the page.
As a side note, the emulator runs on VirtualBox, a virtualization product from Oracle.
Tracing can be enabled on the Business Events side and on the integrating product side if the logs don't provide sufficient information to determine the cause of a problem.
However, the streaming side of the service will only be available to "several thousand" people invited to test the product.
Building applications with JCSP results in clean interfaces and lack of hidden side-effects which makes the resulting product resilient to maintenance and technology changes.
One or more data collectors will be listed on the right side of the screen; how many depends on which product plug-ins you have installed.
Translation verification testers are aware of the product metaphors and are capable of quickly reviewing translations in a side-by-side fashion in order to catch obvious gaffes.
Singapore Airlines will send 10 personnel from various departments to work side-by-side with us, mainly in product development, sales and marketing, and treasury operations.
So, anything on the left side of the equation is called a reactant, and anything on the right side of the equation is called a product.
A most unique product with in this range as it has the ability to gently raise the legs over the side of the bath.
Lotus Sametime Gateway is a next-generation product that is designed to provide server-side aggregation, thus allowing server-to-server awareness between multiple communities.
Since attribute PRODUCTID (product) is in the product dimension, use the attributes on the right side of the join.
因为属性PRODUCTID (product)属于product维,所以在联结的右边使用这个属性。
Wait until a more favorable side of people . 6 years accumulated a wealth of experience, with a strong product development capability.
The product provides an ide combining Adobe's Flash Builder 4.5, for ActionScript-based Flash client development, and Zend Studio 8, for server-side PHP capabilities.
该产品提供了一个基于ActionScript的Flash客户端开发的IDE: Flash builder4.5,并结合ZendStudio8的服务器端PHP能力。
Weight loss product safety has become the most concern us, and a weight-loss products have no side effects and weight loss directly affects the orientation of consumer choice!
On the product side, more users create more data, which informs algorithms and delivers better results.
Product Series: color printing, brochures, advertising directory, removable scratch pad, paper side of four-color printing, paper brick, especially exquisite.
Each side retains experts in order to offer opinions about whether or not the product is defective.
Design, it is completely obviously, will not become the strong side of new product, however, in it there are other merits, capable of drawing buyers.
The thesis discusses the cultural characteristic of rustic tourism through the side of tourism product, tourists market, and tourism benefits.
This low speed agitator is good for shear sensitive products. Bottom & side blades enhance rapid heat transfer reducing local burn-on or freeze-up of product on tank walls.
This low speed agitator is good for shear sensitive products. Bottom & side blades enhance rapid heat transfer reducing local burn-on or freeze-up of product on tank walls.