Side view of the Snowball USB microphone.
Side view of raised countersunk posidriv screw with adjustable thread length.
If you could see either of these from a direct side view, it would resemble Fig. 25.
Side view of a finished module, make sure the three focus wings at a straight line.
Here, you can see a side view of the bow plane and retract mechanism while retracted.
How does the Chinese side view the submitting of the issue to the UN Security Council?
Line up the bottom edge of the guitar body with the corner of the orthographic side view.
Side by side view: Overlay (this puts one PDF over the other to allow you to identify changes).
From the side view, select all of the foot faces, but don't worry about selecting leg faces too.
Crosswise an intersected body finished in wood controls the side view of the house to the party wall.
Here is the port side view of the aft ballast tank showing a closer view of the vent valve and tubing.
Also insure that the other side of the Angle extrusion arms are welded as shown in the side view drawing.
As shown in the side view above, both Angle extrusion arms are situated flush with the bottom of the Axle mount.
Taken obliquely, or from a side view, the shot captures fine ribbons of dark oil amid lighter-hued waters gleaming with reflected sunlight.
A side view of Nissan's Townpod, designed to combine the comfort and style of a passenger car with the utility of a zero-emission commercial vehicle.
Note particularly the side view, and the remarkable details, including the adjustable head rest, and the compartments for ashtray and integral pipe rack.
By taking the side view of the orthographic and scale, shear, rotate (SSR) it onto the Isometric plane you can figure out the thickness of the guitar body.
More pleasant to eat a side view of mountain side you can expect rewards water clouds has really enjoy to the full, by flavor blessing, enjoy heart blessing.
Here: Air-to-air left side view of five SH-3 Sea King antisubmarine warfare helicopters from helicopter antisubmarine Squadron 12 (HS-12) flying in formation.
位置:空气空气留下五个SH - 3海王反潜战直升机侧视图从直升机反潜中队12 (HS - 12)飞行编队。
By using an interactive platform composed of side view, front view and perspective view, and editing feature lines on this platform, a 3d garment sketch is intuitively modified.
In order to standardize pronunciation of vowels, phoneticians invented a diagram illustrating the side view of oral cavity and showing clearly the pronouncing positions of different vowels.
The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues.
The orthodox view of human handedness is that it is connected to the bilateral specialization of the brain that has concentrated language-processing functions on the left side of that organ.
You can log into this, not only chat with this interactively, but on the right-hand side here, you can actually grant us view or control of your own screen.
One side was dense honeysuckle, and the other was open and slanted down to a telescoped view of the city. The white cloud was directly in front of them.
One side was dense honeysuckle, and the other was open and slanted down to a telescoped view of the city. The white cloud was directly in front of them.