Avoid commercial devices marketed to reduce SIDS risk.
They didn't try to explain why the babies died of SIDS.
Some of the nerve cells of SIDS victims’ brainstems often look strange.
Update the security identifiers (SIDs) for Accounts Used to Create projects.
Only one of these special SIDs can be present in an authenticated user's context.
这些特殊的SID 中只能有一个存在于通过身份验证的用户的上下文中。
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome, remains the chief killer of infants under age 1.
This experiment does, however, suggest that genetics alone may explain some cases of SIDS.
At the moment, nobody knows if SIDS babies die of brachycardia or hypothermia or both.
Campaigns to promote sleeping on the back have cut the incidence of SIDS significantly.
However, you can disable the ability to enumerate SIDs in your domain. Follow these steps.
In china, when good friends have a heart-to-heart talk, they stand sids by or hand in hand.
The present study demonstrates that sudden arrhythmic death is an important contributor to SIDS.
The present study demonstrates that sudden arrhythmic death is an important contributor to SIDS .
本研究指出,突然的心律失常性死亡在SIDS 中占很重要的地位。
Today, soft toys, illnesses, a stomach-lying position have all been linked to SIDS - but not cats.
The incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) also increases in households where someone smokes.
In addition, serotonin abnormalities help explain why infants under 6 months are most vulnerable to SIDS.
另外,5 -羟色胺异常帮助解释了为什么6个月以下的婴儿容易发生SIDS。
The buffer receives a TOKEN_GROUPS structure that contains the list of restricting SIDs in a restricted token.
Bottom left to right:Having a baby, sids&kids safe sleeping, Childbirth&Early parenting Education, Pregnancy Diary.
Experts in newborn care say the best way to protect your baby from SIDS is to always put her down to sleep on her back.
The numbers of GFAP positive glia were significantly increases in white matter of SIDS cases, compared with the controls.
An ability to wake up from sleep is believed to be an important survival mechanism that may be impaired in victims of SIDS.
Babies who die of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, while sharing beds may have a risky sleep profile, a new study shows.
The study doesn't show whether household income affected SIDS risk, or whether the findings apply to other babies who die of SIDS.
Data came from the SIDS Center of New Jersey at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
As so often, these findings raise as many questions as they answer. For one thing, SIDS is more than twice as common in boys as it is in girls.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Secondhand smoke increases the risk of SIDS — whether exposure occurs during pregnancy or after birth.
High outdoor levels of nitrogen dioxide apparently raise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), according to California-based researchers.
We apply the method of bargcentric coordinates to give the proof of some geometric inequality conjectures about a motion point that is the triangle in sids.
In SQL Server 7.0 or later versions, you can maintain the mapping between the logins in the master database and the users in the user database by using the SIDs.
在SQLServer 7.0或更高版本中,您可以使用SID来维护master数据库中的登录和用户数据库中的用户之间的映射。
The main task of our study is to revise and develop a Standardized Intelligence Diagnosis Scale (SIDS) for 4-12 year old child, and lay the foundation for the formation of the norm.