Weren't you the person who said that hot many students would sigh up for the talent show?
Health clubs have come into bud throughout the nation, and many people sigh up for lifetime memberships.
After a long time he slowly and sadly changed his position, and took up this object with a sigh.
At cabinet meetings, especially with the “rough”, Lyndon Johnson (far left), he would nervously hitch up his trousers, sigh, bury his head in his hands.
She stood up with a sigh, washed the cups and put them on a cloth to dry.
Make a big show of using the expensive stuff then pick his up, look at it, and put it back down with a sigh.
Something that makes me stop reading for a minute, and sigh with pure bliss, something that actually gets up and walking around, so that I can savour my Aha moment.
European finance chiefs breathed a sigh of relief as the first bond issued by the euro zone's European Financial Stability Facility was snapped up by eager investors.
The crowd grew very still, and a deep, low, happy sigh, as of people who see the theatre curtain go up at last, breathed from innumerable throats.
Knowing that more arguing would do no good, I heaved an exaggerated sigh and trudged off up to my room.as I stomped up the stairs, I heard John say he was going out for a while and the door slam shut.
We in the later one, we ordinary people can only look up the understanding not only to look, Tuan Tuan endless rivers sigh.
Sadly, many women believe it too and therefore are willing put up with it all of the above in fear they'll never meet another man again. Sigh...
Light up a piece of Acacia, silent sigh and an autumn night, waiting for a good long, bright too far away from me, too far.
She put her head down and munched the sweet grass. When she looked up, Joey had disappeared again. She gave a big sigh and started looking for him again.
Andy can't bear to watch. Brooks opens up his sweater and feeds the maggot to a baby crow nestled in an inside pocket. Andy breathes a sigh of relief.
Let the life become good golden key not in someone else's hands, give up our resentment and sigh, the good life is readily available.
Things might be rough for a while, but don't give up. (sigh) Well, I'd better get going. Thanks for the tea and goodies.
If has the flash, rather gives up me being lonely, realized slowly happily that the true feelings melt the real emotion, the life must walk, you not sigh the life painstakingly and bothersome.
Tension locked in a stalemate for a long time, and finally open up the Anne gorilla, the presence of people breathed a sigh of relief.
Happy Christmas Eve, three girls early in the Kangshang to sleep curled up, leaving the father in sigh deeply.
I heard his sigh, hopefully in content, and sit up, gently lifting myself with him.
In the dream, weeping willow leaves constantly grass to wake up and give it an infinite sigh.
I sigh, straighten up, and retreat to the kitchen table, where I sit and consider my options, which are grim and few.
The color of earth is too monotonous, and winter brother up with the straight sigh, how should we do?
Mr. Graves opened the slip of paper and there was a general sigh through the crowd as he held it up and everyone could see that it was blank.
After a long time he slowly and sadly changed his position, and took up this object with a sigh. It was in a paper.
After a long time he slowly and sadly changed his position, and took up this object with a sigh. It was in a paper.