They will sign agreements on scientific co-operation and the cross-recognition of patents. They will also talk of weightier matters.
The French intervention in Libya was universally applauded, in a sign of cross-party unity not seen since they opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
And if the corkscrew goes into the blackboard you will see the tail of the vector and you will see a cross, little plus sign and therefore we put that like so.
And he drew back frowning, and having made the sign of the cross, he cried aloud and said, 'I will not bless the sea nor anything that is in it.
I might go on making the sign of the cross with it, and all that, come Christmas, and a Banshee, or such like, would no more mind than if it was that broom.
I put a vector sign over here, because you have to take the cross-product between the two, so you take the... sine of this Angle has to be taken into account.
The bishop of Chelmsford said all receptacles for water, including those used by people making the sign of the cross should be removed until the flu pandemic is over.
While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree's bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years.
In some countries, Germany especially, people make the sign of the cross at the first part of the doxology, considering it as chiefly a profession of faith.
The requirement of supporting multiple authentication in single sign-on scheme often complicates the realization of authentication protocol and cross-realm authentication.
I'd spend all my time worrying about who got to cross the threshold, I'd make them sign all kinds of invasive agreements before they got to use the loo, and so on.
The U. N. refugee agency has warned any blanket return may violate international law and warns there is little sign of any let up in Syrian and Iraqi refugees planning to cross the Aegean.
She makes the sign of the cross over the water three times and then begins to cut the cards.
Therefore the cross-domain Single Sign-On based on uniformed standards has become a focus of the researches in the security field at home and abroad.
The results suggested that the resistant isolates of P. falciparum have sign of crossing resistance to artemether and dihydroarteannuin, but have no cross-resistance to benflumetolum.
The results suggested that the resistant isolates of P. falciparum have sign of crossing resistance to artemether and dihydroarteannuin, but have no cross-resistance to benflumetolum.