As to steady state phenomena, the traditional signal analysis tool FFT is used for harmonic analysis and flicker.
Based on the groove testing system, we induced the spectral analysis which is the signal analysis tool into evaluating the grooves, and used it as an evaluating standard.
Discrete Cosines Transform (DCT) is an effective tool for analysis image signal.
Joint time frequency analysis method is a powerful tool for study of this kind of signal.
Fractional lower order moment (FLOM) which also is called as fractional lower order statistics (FLOS) is one forceful tool of non-Gaussian signal analysis and processing.
In processing the AE signal, the analysis tool of time and frequency-wavelet package is adopted, in order to confirm the characteristics of time and frequency in strange points of the signal.
Joint time-frequency analysis is an important tool in seismic signal processing. With various realizations, this method is widely used in seismic prospecting.
This paper explores the experimental modal analysis of machine tool structures with rotating spindle. the excitation signal is the pseudo-random binary M series.
Mathematical morphology is a tool of the signal analysis in terms of shape, and it can carry on many kinds of processing by changing the shape of objects within the signal.
This paper researches on the tool wear condition monitoring by cutting sound signal and workpiece surface texture based on analysis of the relative situation.
It has been shown that the full vector energy spectrums are a very practical analysis tool to fault diagnosis of rotary machinery as a energy analysis method to process whirl signal of rotors.
The non-stationary signal is widely distributed in the reality, such as audio, radar and sonar signals. Time-frequency analysis is an effective tool to process the non-stationary signals.
The analysis of the surface myoelectric signal is a valuable and the signal is recorded while a muscle is performing a sustained contraction tool for assessing the progression of localized fatigue.
VXI waveform analyzer is a powerful tool for signal analysis and testing.
Wavelet analysis is known as mathematical microscope, the multi-resolution analysis and a good ability of time-frequency analysis provides a new powerful tool for the signal processing.
The utilization of AE signal analysis for in-process monitoring tool breakage is a newly developed technique of great potentialities.
The utilization of AE signal analysis for in-process monitoring tool breakage is a newly developed technique of great potentialities.