The experiment platform of signals and system based on MATLAB software makes up the weaknesses in the teaching.
When you get a certain outcome from a result your brain gets signals and generates a belief system.
The car will be guided by a differential GPS system that corrects errors arising in global positioning satellite signals as they travel through the ionosphere and troposphere.
Besides, sometimes sound can be used to offer signals and feedback on a system when no display is immediately handy.
It enables a combination of video baseband, radio communicatons, satellite communications, and radar signals to be detected, monitored, and recorded simultaneously on a single system.
Even if you are not feeling especially joyful, adopt a joyful persona. Your body language and words send powerful signals to your nervous system.
The system intercepts and automatically processes radar signals and manages the transmitters to effectively jam large Numbers of diverse radar threats.
This document will enable developers to create products and applications which make the most of Galileo system and signals.
The IBM patent says the system could be applied to traffic signalsat intersections, railway crossings, or other transportation signals for“indicating correct moments to stop and to proceed.
Stripped of their insulation, the wires of the nervous system lose their ability to transmit the electrical signals needed for movement, sensation and vision.
Programs that are more sophisticated might use operating system signals and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to manage availability.
更复杂的程序可能使用操作系统信号和简单网络管理协议(SimpleNetwork Management Protocol,SNMP)管理可用性。
The command truss produces a trace of the system calls it performs, the signals it receives, and the machine faults it incurs.
Scenario 2 uses the strace utility in Linux that enables the tracing of system calls and signals to identify where a program is failing.
在第 2种情况中,我们使用了Linux 中的strace实用程序,它能够跟踪系统调用和信号,从而找出程序发生错误的地方。
F follows all children created by fork or vfork and includes their signals, faults, and system calls in the trace output.
The IBM patent says the system could be applied to traffic signalsat intersections, railway crossings, or other transportation signals for“indicating correct moments to stop and to proceed.”
The system as a whole has a quantized concept of time: time begins at 1 and increments every time signals propagate from one layer to the next.
The SR-5124 is the first SIGINT system that integrates ELINT and COMINT that captures radio, satcom, telemetry, and radar signals simultaneously and synchronously.
SR- 5124是首个集成电子情报与通信情报的信号情报系统,能够同时同步捕获无线电、卫星通信、遥感勘测以及雷达信号。
The RTSJ includes support for handling asynchronous events triggered by a number of sources including timers, operating-system signals, missed deadlines, and other application-defined events.
Digital TV is an end to end system whose signals need to be handled in digital in program collection, program production, program transmission and terminal receiver.
These optically-generated signals provide higher accuracy and reliability, improving the performance and reliability of the servo system.
Because complex wavelet transforms can exactly identify amplitude and phase information in signal to be dealt with, they are suitable for detection of fault signals in power system.
Likewise, signals can be entered into the brain through the auditory nerve, and all of the other portals to the central nervous system.
The types of connectors and cables used in the system depend on the types of switch CARDS used and the signals being switched.
Engineering testing technique is mainly about the fundamental principles of testing, the analysis and process of signals, sensors types, features of testing system and modern testing techniques.
The communication signals are inhibited, thus slowing down mental processing and the central nervous system.
Aanalog signals acquisition module and digital signals acquisition module are the interface between the system and the external signals.
This system extended the function of micro-computer and it can be used to sample analog signals and display data.
The most remarkable advantage of the system is that it can produce high-accuracy and continuously variable delay signals.
The system could induce multi-channel vibration acceleration signals and complete signal filting, acquiring and analysis processing.
The system could induce multi-channel vibration acceleration signals and complete signal filting, acquiring and analysis processing.