The replacement of the signature of the applicant or insured people by sales person is forbidden.
The signature referred to in paragraph (1)(a)(xvi) may be the signature of the applicant or the signature of his representative.
When opening a cheque account, the applicant shall reserve a specimen of the signature of his true name and the seal.
The same as ITC, however, in the letter of guarantee for transfer the only a little different is not signature by applicant but the seal by company.
The signature (s) of applicant and subscribe date in the application form treat as the authorization from applicant of this declaration.
Seal or signature of the legal representative of the applicant or the person legally authorized thereby.
Each individual applicant requires the support of signature from the teacher-in-charge of ICT or school principal of secondary schools, training schools or other educational institutions.
The legal documents to be issued shall be in two copies, one for the applicant and one for the signature of the agency, which shall be retained by the agency.
出具的法律文书应当一式两份,一份发给申请人,一份由经办人签字后由许可机关留存。 。
Upon receipt of the Application Form from the exhibitor, the official Contract in duplicate will be sent to the applicant for signature.
Upon receipt of the Application Form from the exhibitor, the official Contract in duplicate will be sent to the applicant for signature.