The thesis discusses Chinese classical poetry from the angle that art is a "significant form".
This paper is intended to explore these in such aspects as symbols, "significant form", and its aesthetic effects.
Bell opposed to the traditional theory of form and content. He believed that the essence of art is "significant form".
The form of life experience should be a writer run-in with the narrative of a "significant form" rather than the form itself.
The Chinese characters are a set of aesthetically beautiful symbols because their structure truly represents the significant form of myriad things.
These relations and combinations of lines and colours, these aesthetically moving forms, I call "Significant form"; and "Significant form" is the one quality common to all works of visual art.
Any significant form of delay, whether delay of all samples or one sample relative to the other, can significantly degrade the quality of the voice signal recreated at the far end of the transmission.
Among the kinds of social gestures most significant for second-language teachers are those which are identical in form but different in meaning in the two cultures.
That is the significant difference between the two types of compressing interceptor; the compression algorithm and the form of information used in the Bus context or SOAP header is the same.
A significant part of the work of portfolio management takes place in the form of reviews.
The surge in trading volumes is also significant; at every stage the finance industry takes a cut in the form of a bid-offer spread, a fee or a commission.
The enterprise has changed products, made significant technological renovation or adjusted the form of business operation, and it still needs to have reduction after the labor contract is altered; or
Malnutrition, in every form, presents significant threats to human health.
However, we have also added significant new sections in the form of governance and testing.
Risks are identified, added to a risk list, discussed by some form of project steering committee, and if ever addressed by the team, this is not done until a significant amount of time has passed.
What's not as obvious from reviewing either form of this query is that the returned results will differ in two significant ways from what a SQL programmer might expect!
There are significant hurdles to any form of genetic enhancement.
Arguably the most significant advance of the GUI menu was this retreat from the hierarchical form into monocline grouping.
Conceptually, a transreptor converts information from one physical form to another. This covers a significant amount of computer processing including.
Storing session state in the client using HTTP cookies or hidden form fields has significant security risks — it exposes a part of your application internals to the untrusted client layer.
Whatever changes are brought about, motion pictures will always remain an important American art form and a significant cultural force.
This is significant because when platelets clump, a clot can form, and when the clot blocks a blood vessel, it can lead to a heart attack.
Because I think the most significant thing is the spirit of the cowboys, but not the form.
However, further researches are concerned about how did fairness form and maintain in human society as a significant and universal phenomenon.
If you maintain a home office of any kind, it is likely that a significant portion of that office is loaded with some form of paper, be it files, bills, notebooks, or stickies.
The organic, curved form of the bridge is a response to significant buildings in the area, such as the Harp bridge and Convention Center (CCD).
Results the two groups of post-operative complications in the data, for the first time of defecation, stool form and size were statistically significant differences.
Results the two groups of post-operative complications in the data, for the first time of defecation, stool form and size were statistically significant differences.