The relationship between the signified and signifier is at random and in differentia as well.
The ambiguity of language, a trait in its nature, refers to the semantic inaccuracy and flexibility of language and the fluid signified and signifier in speech.
语言的模糊性是指 语言语义的不精确性、灵活性及其言语的能指与所指的不固定性,是 语言的一种 固有的特性。
So that what's new in Saussure's thinking about the relationship between signified and signifier is that the sign tied up in this relationship is both arbitrary and differential.
And beyond all these lie two basic series of binary oppositions of Structuralism: langue and parole, the signifier and the signified.
For onomatopoeic words, there does exist a certain connection between the signifier and the corresponding signified.
Simile is based on a comparison between two things or phenomena that have certain characteristics in common and indicates the similarity relationship of the signified and the signifier.
The natural relationship between the signifier and the signified is iconicity.
According to Saussure, language is a sign system and the signifier and the signified, which form the signs, are unique in different languages.
He says: he signification "sign" has always been comprehended and determined, in its sense, as sign-of, signifier referring to a signified, signifier different from its signified.
The motive power of the signifier and signified is circulating creation; they are two-faced relations of motive power.
"Hawthorne's works", as a signifier, according to the traditional interpretation, must have a determinate signified or meaning, and "the original sin" presented in his works is a good case in point.
The book Zhuang Zi shows the trinity of fable, randomness and tautology, which is different from the signified of conceptual thinking but is the signifier with implied meanings.
"The sixth generation" of Chinese cinema is a "signifier" with a complicated signified among cultural space and discourse register in the 1990s.
Saussure found the nature of language symbol but he left the link unexplained between the signifier and the signified;
From the 1960s, more and more linguists come to realize that the relationship between signifier and its signified cannot be generalized merely as arbitrariness and they dwell on language iconicity.
A image, this signified is formed though colors and shapes in picture, and purports to be a meaning as a signifier.
In our point of view, the concept of the signifier and signified which put forward by Saussure can be applied to the rhetoric field in some condition.
The former is of being static and affected by différance between the signifier and the signified;
This article, analyzed from the view of the signified and the signifier, divides figurative word building into metaphor coining and metonymy coining.
Saussure's principle of arbitrariness is not theorizable for he believes that the connection between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary.
Saussure's principle of arbitrariness is not theorizable for he believes that the connection between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary.