But in her eyes, it seems a silver mirror with gem inlay on it.
A silver mirror, coated with a newly developed platinum coloured protective layer.
Silver mirror, computer decoration mirror, and waved mirror are mainly used in modern living room.
A mysterious "Silver Mirror Man" appears in front of the Griffith Observatory of Los Angeles, us, May 19, 2010.
This night desolate what drunk one night, for whom it is. If Qing. Touch the stars in a sky, whether will the silver mirror in branches difficult?
A battered white Toyota left the compound, bristling with men, beards and guns, and sped away between paddy fields that shone like a splintered silver mirror.
In this paper, a half-silver mirror is used as the imaging component for combination of virtual and real images, and two methods to generate a real perceptual illusion are adopted.
The standpoint of that the silver mirror reaction con' nt take place for the formic acid and related compounds are advanced, and the source are explained, bases on experiments and theory analysis.
Silver made his prototype glasses, called AdSpecs, in the mid-90s after helping cosmetics giant Estee Lauder develop an inexpensive mirror with adjustable magnification.
Then he 4 loathed his own beauty, and 5 flinging the mirror on the floor, crushed it into silver 6 splinters beneath his heel.
In the rear view mirror, I saw Gerald out on the used car lot standing by a silver car and grinning at a new customer like an alligator who has cornered a wildlife poacher.
Young Kaylie Russell: See the mirror hanging there? Face of silver, frame of black. Oculus of glass, I stare. I can feel you staring back.
While experimenting with his mirror prototypes, Silver found he could adjust the lens in the mirrors by varying the amount of silicone oil between two flexible membranes.
Their armor was silver plate polished to a mirror sheen, but underneath, she knew, every man of them wore a hair shirt.
Boundless expanse of silver wave, white as snow, wave as flat as a mirror, a very vague horizon.
With these advanced mirror making process technology and raw materials from abroad, the silver coated mirrors we produced are characterized with clear, natural images and neutral reflection.
It is backed by a layer of silver 200 nanometres thick, to act as a mirror.
Objective To report the newly developed the handpiece was made up of flexible silver halide optical fiber for mirror articulated optical waveguide.
Worse of all, their reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films raise the temperature of the surrounding air.
"Look at the facts, Hermione," said Ron, speaking across Harry, who continued to gaze at the horizon. "the silver doe. The sword. The eye Harry saw in the mirror -".
"Look at the facts, Hermione," said Ron, speaking across Harry, who continued to gaze at the horizon. "the silver doe. The sword. The eye Harry saw in the mirror -".