In 1965 a new simple group (with 175,560 symmetries) was discovered which did not fit into any of the standard families.
In 1965 a new simple group (with 175, 560 symmetries) was discovered which did not fit into any of the standard families.
It just occurred to me that good, simple group scheduling software is a lot like the clock in the Weasley's living room in the Harry Potter series.
我觉得一个好的、简单的群组日程安排软件非常类似于Harry Potter丛书中Weasley的起居室里的那个时钟。
This method not only can simplify the original proof, stress its intrinsic quality but also get the new conclusion for the finite simple group.
As mentioned in the introduction, the NotesAdministrationProcess class allows a few simple group operations (as well as many other functions not related to groups).
In view of simple group contribution and bond module index, a universal model was set up as the following:, and bond contribution data from 1228 substances were calculated by this equation.
We should reject stereotypes, because they force all people in a group into the same simple pattern.
The instruction I always give at Buddhist student group meetings whenever somebody comes in and needs instruction is pretty simple.
Where this intelligence comes from raises a fundamental question in nature: How do the simple actions of individuals add up to the complex behavior of a group?
According to SK Group officials, Chey believes that simple donations have limited efficacy in solving social problems and that social enterprises provide a more sustainable answer to such issues.
Using a simple hash over the OID, each object is assigned to a placement group.
In general, their goal is typically very simple, considering their technical experience: to seize control of a system or group of systems using the quickest and easiest techniques available.
Recently, however, a group of British and Belgian researchers have shown that some of them respond to simple commands by altering their brain activity while in an MRI scanner.
It seemed the simple act of one person expressing their opinion loudly and clearly in a group setting had convinced him we all felt the same way.
In this sample, we use a simple approach: Every CM user group will be added to a fixed ACL named "DW_ACL" that was created in the CM datastore before.
The simple fact of how important group membership is to us, and how easily we join groups, often without realising it, is both a subtle and profound observation about human nature.
"One simple and effective measure to reduce soft drink consumption in this age group would be to remove soft drink machines from schools and other public places where adolescents gather," they wrote.
We expect the JSR 166 group will build a simple, in-process cache for JDK8.
我们希望JSR 166组能为JDK 8构建一个简单的进程内缓存。
If you're exchanging gifts with co-workers, it's best to buy something simple for everyone in your team or group.
The instruction I always give at Buddhist student group meetings whenever somebody comes in and needs instruction, they're pretty simple.
The same group was also subjected to a simple "startle" test of emotional reactivity in which they sat quietly until a loud gunshot sound crashed through the room.
This sample provider class USES a simple directory structure to manage user, group, and transaction authorization.
A paper by AQR, a hedge-fund group, found that a simple trend-following system produced a 17.8% annual return over the period from 1985 to 2009.
Originally, the JAXP expert group sought to provide a simple transform class with a few methods to allow specification of a style sheet and subsequent document transformations.
最初,JAXP专家小组试图提供一个简单的Transfor m类和几个方法,以使样式表和后面的文档变换规范化。
Creating a group is simple, using the console command groupadd.
MongoDB's query engine also makes it very simple to apply aggregation and group functions on your data.
However, for the purpose of this example we used a simple DataBase class and populated it with answers given by members of the survey group.
Nick Carn, a strategist at Odey, a hedge-fund group, says it is pretty simple: companies' revenues are determined by the pace of consumer spending; their costs are largely driven by wages.
Nick Carn, a strategist at Odey, a hedge-fund group, says it is pretty simple: companies' revenues are determined by the pace of consumer spending; their costs are largely driven by wages.