Procedural matters may bedecided with a simple majority vote.
The OIE adopt standards, guidelines and recommendations by a simple majority of votes cast.
A simple majority was needed to table, or kill, further consideration of the bill. The vote was 51 to 46.
Each decision shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a simple majority of the committee members supporting.
The Senate is now in the process of using reconciliation — rule by simple majority — to try to pass health care.
Save as disclosed above, all other material matters shall be approved by simple majority voting of the board.
Section 4. Quorum and Majority. The quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be a simple majority of the members.
To make the legislature's main task-passing a budget-easier, voters also lowered the required margin to a simple majority.
Their resolution to change the rules, put forward earlier this month, could, they contend, be approved by a simple majority vote.
Only a simple majority is needed, so the NYSE will need to make an airtight case in explaining why shareholders should take a lower price.
These initiatives (also called "propositions" in some states) are subject to approval, by a simple majority in most, but not all cases.
The threshold for such votes is usually a simple majority of those present: Arcelor's hurdle looks as if it was erected to be insurmountable.
Albanese will now lead a charm offensive to try to win round individual institutions and secure the simple majority necessary to approve the deal.
If jurors cannot reach a unanimous verdict on their first vote, they must hear the views of the presiding judge, after which they may decide by simple majority.
In foiling the Republican scheme, Mr Reid, by a simple majority vote, established a precedent that will make it harder to attempt such ruses in the future.
In a simple majority vote, major shareholder major shareholders will have absolute control in the shareholders Assembly which elect directors and make major decisions.
For example, if a simple majority of two out of three people is needed for approval after two "yes" votes, there is no need for the additional person to perform the approval.
Earlier this year, Republicans sought to use their 55-to-45 advantage to change Senate rules so that a simple majority of votes would be enough to confirm a judicial nominee.
So far Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Rwanda have signed the new Nile basin accord, which would require only a simple majority of member countries to approve new projects.
Generally, a simple majority is all that is required, but certain decisions, such as changes to the partnership agreement, admission of new partners, the sale of the business, etc.
That was enough: after three days of voting in which no candidate won a two-thirds majority, Mr Mattarella was elected on the fourth round, which required a simple majority, by 665 votes out of 1,009.
Yet this sort of simple pleasure in the job is not open to most people: the majority of jobs are either boring or beastly or both.
We have also demonstrated that the majority of the attacks can be eliminated when a Web site uses a simple custom tag library to properly encode the dynamic content.
But despite these examples, the simple fact is, a multi-touch trackpad would suit the majority of users just fine.
One simple fact divides effective and ineffective people: effective people spend the majority of their time working on important rather than urgent things.
The answer is simple: the majority of stress from all of the things I mentioned above comes from focusing on the results of our choices to the exclusion of paying attention to the process.
The answer is simple: the majority of stress from all of the things I mentioned above comes from focusing on the results of our choices to the exclusion of paying attention to the process.