Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it, simplify it.
Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it, and simplify it.
And Iave fought to simplify it, and I have proposals to simplify it.
Clive Lindrop: it's a complex game, and we didn't want to simplify it.
Several frameworks built on top of JSP technology strive to simplify it.
They look at the code they just wrote to see if there is any way to simplify it.
I've slightly modified the code in Listing 10 from the example to simplify it.
A potential connector enhancement would then be to simplify it to use just one API.
One such example occurs when refactoring old code to help simplify it and make it more readable.
This paper explores what makes SOA development difficult and offers a process to simplify it.
Given below is a compilation of some amazing life quotes to live by, which simplify it to a great extent.
Mr Clarke would like to clarify and simplify it, in the process returning more discretion to judges.
Take a look at your to-do list. If it's more than 10 items long, you can probably simplify it a bit.
Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it, simplify it. — David Thoreau Henry American writer.
Yet if you try to read the text of an XML schema, you will quickly understand why it pays to simplify it.
Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it, and simplify it. — David Thoreau Henry American writer.
If you were to really really simplify it, what you would have is notepad. And notepad is still a useful product.
The service repository can simplify it by supporting the management of relationships between service artifacts.
Calling the servlet from a web page via Ajax isn't terribly difficult; in fact, I can simplify it with a library like JQuery.
The cause of refusing all indoctrination is that we make it equal to forcible indoctrination and simplify it as knowledge transfer.
There is a flaw in the design of the structure of the painting. Why don't you erase the vertical lines and simplify it a little bit?
This will allow you to simplify your page, and you'll simplify it even more by using GWT JSNI to dynamically create your XForms controls.
这样可以简化页面,如果使用GWTJSNI动态创建X Forms控件甚至还能进一步简化页面。
Many researchers usually simplify it as a single optimization problem using traditional methods for lack of the concise and effective mode.
To (over) simplify it, Buddhists believe that attachment - the clinging onto objects - is what causes suffering because nothing will last forever.
It's a complex standard, and writing an article that proposes to simplify it is a little like writing an article on simplifying the United States tax code -- not an easy task.
Not to simplify it too much (there is much more then I can describe here), but there are three specific measurements that can help cement your thinking with the right vocabulary.
He made deep cuts in the group's portfolio of businesses, to simplify it and to get it out of markets, such as consumer electronics, in which competitors were running rings around it.
He made deep cuts in the group's portfolio of businesses, to simplify it and to get it out of markets, such as consumer electronics, in which competitors were running rings around it.