60then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them."
If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Thus, the sin of Ananias and his wife was a sin of irreverence, a sin against God's holiness.
But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.
And Reuben answered them, saying, Did I not speak to you, saying, Do not sin against the child?
Now when you sin thus against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.
Each arrangement of a vacancy I sin against one hundred men, but the holder will not be grateful to me.
The law announces to people that they are guilty of sin against God and deserving of His eternal punishment.
Cor. 8:12 and sinning in this way against the brothers and wounding their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.
To the allurements of temptation his answer was steadfast: "How … can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"
If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a man sin against the LORD, who shall intreat for him?
Painting, laying out on the beach, and other non time-based activities are considered a horrendous sin against productivity.
It is a sin against your own body and fuses your soul with other people. This also leads to diseases and other complications.
And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood.
Lest they teach you to do all the abominations which they have done to their gods: and you should sin against the Lord your god.
Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your god.
For Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the LORD of hosts; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel.
Let me be tht proper servant, who took him into my trust, and promised, saying: If I bring him not again, I will be guilty of sin against my father for ever.
No wonder people say that would rather go to kill people to set fire and do not sin against women, moralizing that also is a bullet, against women you more dead than alive.
Our father died in the desert. He was not among Korah's followers, who banded together against the Lord, but he died for his own sin and left no sons.
Our father died in the desert. He was not among Korah's followers, who banded together against the Lord, but he died for his own sin and left no sons.