Looking at the old mummy rictus needing to speak, I just anticipate single-step: "Finish writing vacation first plan".
The debugger combines these primitives to fulfill higher-level requests like program download and single-step.
RequestEvent, a subclass of JTCEvent, is used to represent a lightweight transaction or single-step service request.
You commonly use execution highlighting in conjunction with single-step mode to gain an understanding of how data flows through nodes.
STOP the VI by pressing the STOP button on the front panel. If you are in single-step mode, keep pressing the step button until it completes.
Normally, this sort of single-step mixing would not work, because of the difficulty of getting two liquids to flow stably through one channel.
You may want to use execution highlighting (described next) as you single-step through your vi, so you can visually follow data as it flows through the nodes.
Experts say Paris is right: for a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.
Beriev chose a scheme of the single-cantilever monoplane with two-step boat, which had a large cross-deadrise.
For application placement type tasks, a typical action plan would consist of the single step of starting another server.
Your goal is to create a batch file that will allow you to run the tasks for both product installation and update in a single step.
How come I never made a single step to live a life that I wanted to live?
The truth is that you start your journey to that far off destination of who you want to be by taking a single step right where you are now.
It would be easy to define a single step which removes from these 4 tables all data related to editions that completed before a certain date.
Step 2: To perform a single step of an evaluation, W3Eval finds the operator with the highest priority inside the deepest nested pair of parentheses.
步骤2:要实现求值的单步执行,W3Eval 在嵌套最深的那对括号中找出优先级最高的操作符。
Rather than continuing again we can single step through the program to see how "value" and "div" are being changed using the command 'next'. Gdb will respond with.
与其再次继续,还不如使用'next '命令单步调试程序,以查看“value ”和“div ”是如何改变的。
Deploy a broker archive (BAR) file to multiple execution groups in a single step.
Change isn't implemented in a single step. It's implemented in three key steps.
Overloading too many concepts onto the idea of what a single step element is in XProc might be potentially constraining.
在Xproc 中,在解释步骤元素的时候引入过多的概念可能会带来潜在的局限性。
This single step would be huge for most poor countries, and make very little difference to developed nations.
No use case is left unidentified and at the end of this work effort and every single step in the business process portfolio has an assigned use case name and major steps of execution.
No matter what you want to accomplish in life. And no matter how long you think the journey is, it all begins with a single step.
For one thing, an education campaign should be launched to popularize the idea that "the longest journey starts with a single step" and to cultivate a down-to-earth attitude toward life.
As Laozi might have said, sometimes the journey of a single step starts with a thousand miles in the opposite direction.
There's the old saying everyone's familiar with "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
Thus, there was a 50% conversion of cyclohexane to adipic acid in a single step oxidation, which represented the best result from this present study.
因此,有50 %的转换环己烷合成己二酸在一个单一的步骤氧化,这是最好的结果从本研究。
This allows you to easily deploy changes to WebSphere Commerce in clustered environments with a single step.
Listing 1 illustrates an XProc pipeline with a single step that applies an XSLT operation to an XML document.
With a synchronous message, sending the SOAP message and receiving a reply take place in a single step.
It's difficult to illustrate step bindings between steps using a pipeline with a single step; so, I created a nontrivial example in which I show several XProc steps and logic structures.