They opted to put an executive committee in charge of the project rather than a single person.
These are often done by a single person so are grouped into a single human activity in the process model.
To what extent are all of us composed of multiple people, and to what extent are we a single unified person over time?
Just like everything else in life being happy as a single person can be learned and the learning can be fun as long as you look at it as a positive experience.
After all, if Christ was a real person in a single real body, his features can’t suddenly change.
There are conditions under which a person could die of dehydration within a single day, and other conditions whereby a person might live for over a week.
A single person doesn't have to listen to someone snore all night while hogging the blankets.
Contrary to common stereotypes, there is no single profile of a person who accepts the paranormal.
The only problem is that the madman has also tied a single person to that track.
Yet, not a single person on the face of this earth knows how to make me.
The Crito, on the other hand, is a conversation between Socrates and a single individual, only one person.
In less time than it takes to buy, sign and mail a Christmas or birthday card to a single person, you can send news or a gift to your entire social graph.
The amount of edits was much smaller then, it was possible for a single person to watch all the recent changes, watch the diffs and actually discuss them in the IRC channel.
To take datasets much larger than a single person can read and boil them down to useful data is a primary goal.
They then found that the switch of a single DNA unit in the gene determines whether a person has wet or dry earwax.
But by late 2008, two months into the job, the officers said they had not stopped a single person on health grounds - and didn't know how they would do so.
The immediate team is the smallest unit, greater than a single person, that collaborates to produce a product or discrete part of a product.
Not a single person at our table wanted the pizza due to the overpowering smell of garlic.
That individual may be influenced by other factors such as family members or friends, but ultimately it’s a single person that pulls out their wallet.
If limited human-to-human transmission has occurred, all evidence at this stage suggests that the chain of transmission ended after a single person was infected.
There are conditions under which a person could die of dehydration within a single day, and other conditions whereby a person might live for over a week.
With this family history, I definitely had resentment toward the whole country, but having grown up in France, I had never really met a single person from Turkey.
You can censor cases, but it's hard to find a single person responsible and it's so quick. Before the propaganda order comes, it's done.
Some people may experience only a single episode within their lifetime, but more often a person may have multiple episodes.
In the modern age, these things are generally too complicated for a single person to do to a standard where the result can compete with off-the-shelf components.
When I scroll back through the forum posts, I can't find a single person asking for more transition animations.
Human activities is the layer representing activities within orchestrated long-running processes (or workflow processes) that are performed by a single person.
Human activities is the layer representing activities within orchestrated long-running processes (or workflow processes) that are performed by a single person.