That's because "measuring ... firing at the level of a single cell, a neuron, is difficult to extend to human behavior, which is highly complex."
An explosive chemical technique can now be used to identify individual molecules in biological samples, down to the single-cell level.
The microfluidic Raman tweezers system has been applied for the study in cell biology at the single cell level.
Sensors resting directly on top of a brain during surgery have proved recently that they can detect neural activity at the level of a single brain cell.
A simple and effective method for single cell separation would be a foundation of exactly and quantitative study at single cell level.
The DNase hypersensitivity assay is higher in resolution at the DNA level and can be done on a large number of cell types since it's just a single assay.
The DNase hypersensitivity assay is higher in resolution at the DNA level and can be done on a large number of cell types since it's just a single assay.