All splices are bundled into a single object file ready to be injected into the kernel.
A CU typically represents the text and data contributed to an executable by a single relocatable object file.
For the sample in Listing 5, a single line from the log file (as seen in Listing 2) will be the input Text object that is passed into the map method.
Multiple slide notes are merged into a single audio file and appear on the Timeline as a single object.
The fmemopen() function gives you a stdio FILE * object that refers to a buffer in memory. Replacing the open of test.jpg with a single call to fmemopen solves half the problem
fmemopen()函数提供了一个stdioFILE *对象,该对象表示内存中的一个缓冲区。
Finally, we need to add a single variable to the 'private:' section of the header file. This is the object that will handle the external executable (FFMPEG) from within qt.
This can be used to combine the synchronization point for multiple file handles into a single object.
This can be used to combine the synchronization point for multiple file handles into a single object.