A succession of sounds or words uttered in a single tone of voice.
When you put a single tone, say 500 Hertz, into the headphones, you should only get a single tone out.
Social media accounts further expose oneself to hackers or, via a single tone-deaf misstep, a global public shaming.
If the comparison to any single tone in the queue exceeds the maximum tonal deviation, specify that the current processing did not produce a discernable tone.
If the informal restaurant is located in the kitchen or for the kitchen, you might consider using a single tone color scheme, or with the color of the kitchen with them.
The light that the natural color reflected, often include more extensive wavelength than the chemical. In other words, the natural color seldom seems it is a single tone.
So it's a whole series — when we listen to a single tone it's a whole series, and what Eva was doing there is playing out the notes in that series successively, and we'll keep banging on that.
The scheme has low complexity and can overcome the shortcomings of common methods which adopt only the single spectra line having maximum energy to estimate single tone jamming parameters.
The fourth chapter: Bangbing-Bulang has altogether four kinds of single tones, which including 55 Indiscriminately allocates, 51high falling tone, 13low rising tones high and 31 the low falling tone.
总计辅音音位45 个。第四章:帮丙布朗语单字调共四种调,高平调55、高降调51、低升调13和低降调31。
Other Windows will be raised using a single low tone (20.00) if they begin with RXVT.
This can set a value into an associated field automatically and will accept a single word as the audio to be recognized and a DTMF tone from the phone pad.
这种方法可以自动设置关联字段的值,并且将从话筒(Phone pad)接收一个词用于语音识别,和一个dtmf音调。
They used to laugh at my Shanghainese, because it was not one single word they felt funny, but the tone of the whole sentence was really weird.
When you're using the proper weight or amount of resistance, you can build and tone muscle just as efficiently with a single set of 12 repetitions as you can with more sets of the same exercise.
If there's one thing that triggers an attractive single woman's WUSS-DAR, it's a man's posture, gestures, eye contact, voice tone, etc.
For this example, we use the the single high tone (40.00) to raise the Windows with a title beginning with "Nathan."
According to the syllable, they can be divided as 655 single syllable words and 1513 complex tone words.
The current analysis focuses on the performance of BPSK modulation on 2-dimensional spread spectrum system with single-tone jamming.
The Chinese belongs to the tone language, while English belongs to the innovation language, that is, intonation does not belong to single word but words.
This opera is divided into several episodes in the middle, and has a single trilogy of long end tone. The opera delivers a love tragedy of a Japanese woman "Madame Batterfly".
Monotone refers to a sound, for example speech or music, that has a single unvaried tone.
Single paneled curved horn handle with silver-tone accents.
About tone in five people carry a single copy of the variant, known as KL-VS, that boosts levels of the protein and is associated with longer lifespan and improved heart and kidney function.
大约每五个人中有一个人会携带这种叫做KL - VS的基因变体副本,它能提高蛋白质水平、使人更长寿、提升心脏和肾脏功能。
Level differentiation aims at language system, dividing tone sandhi into single-level and cross-level in accordance to their different phonological and semantic representations.
Wash drawing: a drawing made by a brush in washes with a single pigment of black or dark colour soluble in water, to be reproduced by the half-tone process.
A new technique is described, transparent tone in band (TTIB), which can combat the effects of multipath propagation on single sideband (SSB) mobile radio system is describe in this paper.
The result shows that, in the bass and median tone of piano, the timbre will be improved if the 7th and 9th harmonics are attenuated for either single-key, third harmony, fifth harmony or triad chord.
Moreover, even within a single group, the meaning of a gesture could vary with context, almost as tone of voice can vary the meaning of a human's spoken word.
Moreover, even within a single group, the meaning of a gesture could vary with context, almost as tone of voice can vary the meaning of a human's spoken word.