Under other conditions the singular point corresponds to a single star.
The influence of singular point on correlation coefficient is researched.
The singular point strength distribution is solved using iterative procedure.
A class of cubic differential system is studied in this paper, in which origin is nilpotent singular point.
The method was based on a homeomorphic transformation of the infinity into the origin(linear singular point).
The condition for finite solution of homing motion can be obtained from the series form solution at singular point.
In this paper, the outside singular point method with the aid of sand-heap analogy for solving elastoplastic torsion prob…
Almost all of scholars only studied the possible appearance or disappearance of a limit cycle surrounding a singular Point.
The singular point of the wave equation and the coupling between the plasma waves and the electromagnetic waves are discussed.
Fourier transform only makes sure the feature of a function singular and can not confirm the position and of singular point on space.
Then, the positions of the incident wave, pile-toe reflection wave and flaw reflection wave can be determined by the position of singular point.
Through transforming, some conclusions are given about decomposing index number at higher order isolated singular point and infinite point in this paper.
Thus this means can be used to inspect the singular points and point out the exact position and size of the singular. The application of wavelets offers a…
The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis is a singular point of continental collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates, and has been focused by many geoscientists.
Usually, attitude angles varied within a large range in all of a process of a satellite reentering, especially ballistic reentering, so it is difficult to avoid the singular point.
A new image denoising algorithm based on neighborhood statistic information and singular point detection is mentioned in this paper by researching of the character of the median filter.
This paper introduces an improved algorithm for fingerprint direction field estimation, the rotation angle estimation during constructing the singular point models is analyzed in details.
The reason of the non-turning point failure is that some nonsingular points of original system are translated to the singular points of the extended Jacobian matrix by the parameterization.
The standard singular point is an important structure of the differential-algebraic equation systems(DAEs), by which DAEs are differentiated from the ordinary different equation systems (ODEs).
The locally topological structure of higher order singular point for the plane quartic system in the first critical case is discussed, and a criteria by the coefficients of polynomials is given.
This paper discuss the locally topological structure of higher order singular point for the plane cubic system in the first critical case and give a criterion by the coefficients of polynomials.
The analysis study of EMG signals under magnetic stimulation with the singular point theory of wavelet transformation is introduced which can determine the location of magnetic stimulation signal.
This paper derives the integrated constitutive relation at the singular point theoretically by using Hyushin's postulate in the the strain space, and gives an example applicable to the rock cap model.
The exterior point nonsingular integration technique is suggested so that the singular integrations can be evaded.
By using a fixed point theorem of mixed monotone operators in cone, this paper studied a fourth-order nonlinear singular boundary value problem, namely a class of elastic beam equation.
The state vectors expectation, variance and covariance matrices are given under the conditions of the systems with regular infinite extreme point and singular infinite extreme point.
This paper discusses the existence of multiple positive solutions of a class of nonlinear singular boundary value problems by means of the fixed point index Theorem on cones.
According to the critical point theory, a class of problems of elliptic boundary value with an asymptotically linear term and singular term is studied.
According to the critical point theory, a class of problems of elliptic boundary value with an asymptotically linear term and singular term is studied.