Sir William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781 with a hand-made reflecting telescope.
In 1781, astronomer Sir William Herschel spotted an object moving in the sky and originally thought it was a comet but later realized its planetary nature.
在1781年,天文学家William Herschel爵士发现天空中有个移动的物体,一开始以为是一颗彗星,后来意识到它有着行星的属性。
In 1781, astronomer Sir William Herschel spotted an object moving in the sky and originally thought it was a comet but later realized its planetary nature.
在1781年,天文学家William Herschel爵士发现天空中有个移动的物体,一开始以为是一颗彗星,后来意识到它有着行星的属性。