He is a patient man, but not even he could sit down under that kind of provocation.
ON a chill windy morning in the mountains of Burundi, six women in an "empowerment group" run by an Atlanta-based charity, CARE, sit down under a tree to talk about their day.
When you think you are lost, sit down on a log, or a rock, or lean against a tree, and recite something that you have memorized, to bring your mind to a point where it's under control.
So I decided to sit down and figure out under what circumstances you'll see this dialog.
In Autumn, I want to sit under the apple tree or cherry tree, see the leaves falling down to the ground.
Line to sit down, "Golden Harvest Wang Gang" under the direction of the Rose Garden to the Golden Harvest 200 meters Creative Park.
V line to sit down, "the Guangzhou Railway Station," second line to ride the "yellow sides" to the Rose Garden under the direction of 200 meters to the Golden Harvest Creative Park.
V line to sit down, "the Guangzhou Railway Station," second line to ride the "yellow sides" to the Rose Garden under the direction of 200 meters to the Golden Harvest Creative Park.