We didn't evolve to be retired and sit on the couch.
Overcoming the emotional hurdle to get stuff done when you'd rather sit on the couch isn't always easy.
“You can’t just eat chocolate while you sit on the couch and watch TV,” says researcher Sunil Kochhar, PhD.
“当你坐在沙发上看电视的时候,不能总是只吃巧克力。”Sunil Kochha博士说。
Overcoming thee motion al hurdle to get stuff done when you'd rather sit on the couch isn't always easy.
I would demand that he help me with the housework; he'd sit on the couch like a spoiled child and ignore me.
If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.
Now that doesn't mean that if you think positive thoughts about aging, it's OK to sit on the couch in front of the TV and eat a pound of bacon.
Once the long slog toward bedtime was over and my two children scrubbed clean and in bed, I would sit on the couch and ache for grown-up company.
So who was I if I was no longer capable and busy? How could I respect myself if all I did was sit on the couch everyday and watch the snow fall?
You can watch a romantic DVD afterwards or just listen to some music, sit on the couch and talk; 3. Get some paper and write a love poem or a letter to him/her.
So if you're unemployed, do something: take classes, meet people, go to industry meetings, start a blog, read a book a week. Just don't sit on the couch and eat Doritos.
You can't just eat chocolate while you sit on the couch and watch TVJust in time for Valentine's Day, we've uncovered even more evidence that chocolate makes us healthy.
Remember once I just from school, I was at school just homework has been finished, would like to sit on the couch and turn the TV on th relax nervous exhaustion of the body.
Many folks mistakenly believe that 30 minutes of exercise on the treadmill is license to take the elevator, park in the closest space, or sit on the couch the rest of the day.
My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't "hear" my grandmother when she called from the other room.
My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't “hear” my grandmother when she called from the other room.
Bossa Nova, left, and Misha sit on a couch in the library suite at PawPaws Urban Retreat.
When I was around seven years old, I used to come home from school on those chilling winter evenings, and I would sit my little self on the couch to watch cartoons.
Back in the car, sit down to a quick meal, and then park myself on the couch to watch TV for a few hours.
They sit and talk a bit, and Mom has her legs up on the couch because that makes them feel better.
I sit next to Mom instead, between her legs and the pillows, because there's room for that on a couch.
We know we'd rather sit on a colorful, plush couch than a rigid, plastic bench that becomes less forgiving to our bottoms the further we travel.
Watching a movie, we would sit on his couch with our chips and Coke and talk about our dreams of working together in the movies.
Watching a movie, we would sit on his couch with our chips and Coke and talk about our dreams of working together in the movies.