Once I was sitting pretty with my weekly soda profits, it was time for a change.
Now he's sitting pretty, and he has the money to hire Mr. Tate. I think that's good news.
现在他很富有, 他有钱雇用泰特先生。我想这是个好消息。
Fast forward to October and Arsenal are sitting pretty on top of the Premier League and Champions League Group h.
Now foreign manufacturers are sitting pretty while the American auto industry is on its knees, begging for a bailout.
He prepared well in advance for final exams, so when the time came and we were all studying so hard. He was sitting pretty.
He prepared well in advance for final exam, so when the time came and we were all studying so hard. He was sitting pretty.
He prepared well in advance for final exams, so when the time came and we were all studying so hard. he was sitting pretty.
I just got mine in the mail. If I keep working at this rate for the next 20 years, between Social Security and my savings, I should be sitting pretty for retirement.
Mister Lee is really sitting pretty now - the other dry cleaner down the block sold out to an Oriental grocery store, which means he now has no competition for two miles around.
Mister Lee is really sitting pretty now - the other dry cleaner down the block sold out to an oriental grocery store, which means he now has no competition for two miles around.
Which is sitting pretty closing in on a 3 million units here in the States, probably a couple around the world, with No Love burning up the charts after two No. 1 singles preceding it.
So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library.
Pretty soon, the kid with the "weird" lunch is sitting alone at recess, counting down the minutes until it's over.
We have a pretty good idea of what you’re doing when you’re at work - sitting at your desk, typing stuff, maybe talking on the phone every once in a while.
After I heard him say it, I started to think the character was pretty cool-looking; if you look at it in the right way, it kind of looks like a sword sitting on a bomber jet.
This goes for the radio, hanging out at Starbucks or working while sitting on the beach. Actually, that one would be pretty sweet.
The pretty talker is sitting next the window of palace-car No. 30 of the Central Pacific line, which has already been her flying home for two days.
Sitting by the peach tree where he had picked up the flowers, he was in deep thought of the pretty giggling girl again.
How pretty she looked sitting there in the doorway, her eyes bent so pensively on the track behind as the car-wheels so swiftly reeled it off!
Sitting on a park bench with a pretty girl for an hour is like a minute, but sitting on the stove is like an hour.
Pretty soon the best smell will float up the stairs, and she'll tiptoe down to the kitchen and Daddy will be sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading a book.
Detective Eric Box: If that's water in that tank, pretty soon he's going to be sitting in battery acid.
"Look, his moustache and his eyelashes are all white," said one of the strange, pretty, unfamiliar figures sitting by him, with fine moustaches and eyebrows.
And pretty soon we're sitting on the couch watching reruns of the Office and eating a six-pack of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches.
It mostly uses metal, and you can pretty much make anything utilizing the anvil sitting next to the trainer.
It mostly uses metal, and you can pretty much make anything utilizing the anvil sitting next to the trainer.