In an attempt to attract more tourists, the Swiss government commissioned several life-size fiberglass cow statues, having them decorated by local artists, and set them up on the streets of Zurich.
They were lined up in his workshop according to size, with the thinnest as thin as my pinky and the widest as thick as one of Hattie's braids.
"Oh no, he isn't grown up," Wendy assured her confidently, "and he is just my size."
The long-awaited StarCraft II may end up with the community the size of the kinder-garden sandpit.
The plan will be for spacemen and up to eight passengers to travel in Neptune, a capsule tied to a balloon about the size of a football field.
It makes you evaluate the market for your product or service and size up the competition.
Almost every department store has a team of women who will size you up (for free) for specially engineered lingerie.
Obviously, the cost of idle resources goes up as the team size goes up.
Images with adisplay size up to 17 screen (1024 x 768 pixels) can also be uploadedwithout a file size limit.
17寸(1024x 768像素)的图片不受文件尺寸限制可上传。
Some of this intransigence is mere posturing, with both sides attempting to size one another up after the mid-terms.
More than 640 kilometers, about 400 miles, from the ocean, a full-size mock-up sits next to a lake in Wuhan.
They also give bankers a way to size up borrowers: those who struggle to separate petty cash from capital might not be ready for the big time.
A couple pass nearby, giving him the eye. Like reef sharks they will size you up, but seldom attack something their own size unless it is in distress.
They size up a woman teetering past wearing DKNY, carrying Time magazine in one hand and a latte in the other.
There were huge tortoise-shells full of pearls, and hollowed moonstones of great size piled up with red rubies.
"Men have to be able to size up a woman visually to see if she can bear babies," says Dr. Fisher.
This one is characterized by extremely small size, recent kitting-up, rather good repair and working lighting.
It is related to the pokeweed plant found in North America but can grow to a gigantic size: up to 20nbsp; metres tall and 15 metres wide.
So it's not surprising that humans have evolved the ability to accurately size up their potential opponents.
This part of the brain, by the way, can differ in individual size by up to three times.
Media6Degrees Inc., whose technology was found on three sites by the Journal, is pitching Banks to use its data to size up consumers based on their social connections.
Presently UPSD is a scalable display platform that can be expanded from a six-inch diagonal size up to a six-foot diagonal, in both monochrome and color formats.
It detects objects as small as 1m in size at up to 40, 000km from the Earth.
Of the 156,000 target stars in the telescope's field of vision, the 43 days of observations found 706 possible extrasolar planets from Earth size up to a bit bigger than Jupiter.
M it makes you evaluate the market for your product or service and size up the competition.
If you can feel your toes at the end of the shoe you probably need the next size up.
Size up the person you're confronting, and be ready to protect yourself, especially if it's a stranger.
In 1978, a giant with superhuman courage, size up the situation, the dust-laden country will be open to the world!
The technology developed in a professional performance and more style and more Ceramics exhibition, product size up to hundreds of styles, the quality of each product quality are excellent.
The technology developed in a professional performance and more style and more Ceramics exhibition, product size up to hundreds of styles, the quality of each product quality are excellent.