An unsigned integer and the result of the sizeof operator.
这是一个无符号整型,是执行size of操作的结果。
How much is anybody really going to make from a town the sizeof Greenfield, Indiana?
C + + 0x also defines the sizeof... operator, which displays the number of arguments.
C+ +0x还定义了size of…操作符,它显示参数数量。
The API prints out the memory state of sizeof (buf) + 1 bytes, starting at memory address buf.
API打印出了sizeof (buf) +1bytes的内存状态,从内存地址buf开始。
The sizeof operator cannot return the size of dynamically allocated arrays or external arrays.
Given the sizeof China's economy, its annual economic increment is about one trillion USdollars.
The 64-bit return value from sizeof in the following statement is truncated to 32-bits when assigned to bufferSize.
在下面这条语句中,在对 bufferSize 进行赋值时,从sizeof返回的 64 位值被截断成了 32 位。
On the first invocation, sizeof... (args) displays 2, because there are only two arguments for the variable args list.
对于第一次调用,size of…(args)显示2,因为可变的args列表中只有两个参数。
When applied to a structure type or variable, sizeof returns the actual size, whichmay include padding bytes inserted for alignment.
Surprising results show that if you implement sizeof there is almost no difference in whether calculating the size of a loop in advance.
很奇怪的结果表明,如果你执行size of,那么是否预先计算循环的次数基本上没有什么区别。
This request asks for sizeof(data) bytes of data copied from the address in main memory denoted by argp to be copied into the object data.
这个请求会要求将sizeof(data)字节的数据从 argp所指向的主存地址处拷贝到 data 对象中。
This structure has the useful property that if you allocate space for (sizeof(struct header) + 10) bytes, you can treat data as being an array of 10 bytes.
这种结构体的有用之处在于,如果您分配 (sizeof(structheader) +10)字节的空间,您可以像处理一个 10 字节的数组一样来处理数据。
A typeof-construct can be used anywhere a typedef name could be used. For example, you can use it in a declaration, in a cast, or inside of sizeof or typeof.
The only thing we have to do to free memory is to take the pointer we're given, back up sizeof (struct mem_control_block) bytes, and mark it as available. Here is the code for that.
为了释放内存,我们必须要做的惟一一件事情就是,获得我们给出的指针,回退size of (struct mem_control_block)个字节,并将其标记为可用的。
The tunnel sizeof 530 mm (20.9 in) wide by 350 mm (13.8 in) high is optimized for rapid inspection of small articles, allowing the XIS to inspect them with state-of-the-art imaging.
If you can reasonably conclude that a test is unnecessary (for instance, even machines with bytes larger than 8 bits are still required to have sizeof (char) be 1), you can omit the test entirely.
如果您确认某一个测试是没有必要的(例如,即使机器字节多于8位也仍需要使size of (char)为1),您可以完全不去进行这个测试。
The marshaled layout could be different from the internal layout, so it's possible (and, in fact, probable) that the types I've described will report different results when using the sizeof operator.
封送处理的布局可能不同于内部布局,因此在使用size of运算符时,我已经描述的类型可能(实际上是非常可能)报告不同的结果。
The marshaled layout could be different from the internal layout, so it's possible (and, in fact, probable) that the types I've described will report different results when using the sizeof operator.
封送处理的布局可能不同于内部布局,因此在使用size of运算符时,我已经描述的类型可能(实际上是非常可能)报告不同的结果。