Being a skilful skateboarder has helped Lin Yong make a lot of new friends.
In fact, he said, his reception as a skateboarder has been worse in many other countries.
I am a professional skateboarder, which is usually seen as a fad rather than a profession in its real sense.
How well you can control your body movement in the air is a decisive factor if you want to be a really good skateboarder.
Ryan Sheckler, also known as Shecks, has proven this important message through his amazing career as a professional skateboarder.
Being a skateboarder was a great launch pad for me to own a shop and the shops were a great opportunity to learn how to make clothing.
Skateboarder Zach Lyons, 26, of Bowie, Maryland, performs a skateboarding trick on the Freedom Bell in front of Washington D. C. 's Union Station.
Gallery: Adventure photo Tips Warm evening light and an extreme photo Angle add drama to this shot of a skateboarder about to drop at a skate park.
Huddled in the narrow galley with the tattooed pastry chef, Justin Rightwood, I learned that he was a sponsored semipro skateboarder and BMX biker when he was 12.
和身上有纹身的甜点厨师贾斯汀·莱特伍德(Justin Right wood)一起挤在狭小的船上厨房里,我得知他12岁时曾是一位受赞助的半职业滑板运动员和BMX自行车手。
Huddled in the narrow galley with the tattooed pastry chef, Justin Rightwood, I learned that he was a sponsored semipro skateboarder and BMX biker when he was 12.
和身上有纹身的甜点厨师贾斯汀·莱特伍德(Justin Right wood)一起挤在狭小的船上厨房里,我得知他12岁时曾是一位受赞助的半职业滑板运动员和BMX自行车手。