"The number of mitochondria decreases in skeletal muscle as we age, and this affects us physically in terms of both muscle energy production and endurance," said Dr Malek.
The destructive effects of spaceflight on skeletal muscle, despite in-flight exercise, pose significant safety risk for future manned missions to Mars.
They found that in rats with high blood pressure JAM-1 levels were raised not only in the brain but also the kidney, spleen, lungs and skeletal muscle.
Waki和Paton博士发现,老鼠患上高血压后,不仅大脑的JAM - 1水平,而且肾、脾、肺和骨骼肌的JAM - 1水平都升高了。
At the start of the study, they took skeletal muscle biopsies from both groups, from which they were able to assess their transcription profile.
An mtrp is a hyperirritable spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers with characteristics related to central sensitization in the spinal cord.
Insulin lowers blood glucose, or sugar, by moving it from the bloodstream into skeletal muscle, where it is metabolized for energy or stored for later use.
The facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy society addresses issues and needs related to this disease of the skeletal muscle which is a type of muscular dystrophy.
The FacioScapuloHumeral Muscular Dystrophy Society addresses issues and needs related to this disease of the skeletal muscle, which is a type of muscular dystrophy.
Another key observation was that skeletal muscle insulin resistance precedes the development of insulin resistance in liver cells, and that fat production in the liver is increased.
The inhibition of Myostatin expression can accelerate the myoblast proliferation and myofibril hypertrophy, which results in the skeletal muscle hyperplasia.
The good news, according to Shulman, is that insulin resistance in skeletal muscle can be countered through a simple intervention: exercise.
The relation of length force and force velocity are two important characters for skeletal muscle contraction, but there is still limitation when describing the nature of skeletal muscle.
The effects of fatigue on skeletal muscle relaxation ability is more serious than on contractibility.
When a liver or kidney or both are found violative (in excess of the MRL) but the skeletal muscle is negative or non-violative, then only the organs shall be condemned.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome presenting features include: fever altered level of consciousness and "lead-pipe" skeletal muscle rigidity causing rhabdomyolysis.
In the ribs of control group (non-fractured part), only mesenchymal cells of periosteum and skeletal muscle fiber showed nerve growth factor stained lightly.
Diabetease can effectively treat diseases of skeletal muscle caused by diabetes.
Experiments have proved that when the arteriole produce durative contraction, skeletal muscle cramps occur, numbness, etc.
Fatigue occurs when the interval of intermittent tetanic contraction of skeletal muscle is shortened to a certain degree and the contractile tension declines.
Objective To investigate the effects of aerobic exercise on skeletal muscle function in patients with chronic heart failure.
To determine altered gene expression profiles in subcutaneous adipose and skeletal muscle from nondiabetic, insulin-resistant individuals compared with insulin-sensitive individuals matched for BMI.
Inclusive criteria: Literature about the biological characteristics of myoblast, the application in skeletal muscle contraction and gene treatment.
Objective: to understand the effects of exogenous androgen on the skeletal muscle fiber and its motor endplate.
Smooth muscle tumor and skeletal muscle tumors: There has been no significant change in this group.
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise on genome expression in human skeletal muscle.
Ship the eyes and 500g each of liver and skeletal muscle.
The purpose of this study was to discuss the effects of mechanical strain on the proliferation of skeletal muscle.
The purpose of this study was to discuss the effects of mechanical strain on the proliferation of skeletal muscle.