Skin pass mill is used to improve surface quality and mechanical properties of the coating.
ABSTRACT The setup of rolling parameters is key to producing of skin pass mill for good quality and high produce.
Speed control system of skin pass mill in Cold Strip Rolling Mill of Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Company is introduced.
The article describes the function, process and component of hot strip skin pass mill and makes comparison with cold strip skin pass mill.
An advanced post coating treatment is adopted, including shape improvement by tension leveller, coating surface and mechanical property by skin pass mill.
An advanced past coating treatment is adopted, including shape improvement by tension leveller, coating surface and mechanical property by skin pass mill.
The article mainly describes the automatic elongation control system of steel strip in skin pass mill, including the measurement, calculation and control of strip elongation.
The elongation control system of cold rolling skin pass mill was described; the speed feedforward control and feedback control in the control system were detailed explicated.
MARE, a nonlinear finite element modeling of the tension device in the skin pass mill for hot strip was built. The accuracy and reliability of this model was proved by experiments.
In the control system for skin pass mill elongation, the measuring devices in common use are pulse generator and laser velocimeter, of which the control accuracy of the laser velocimeter is higher.
In the control system for skin pass mill elongation, the measuring devices in common use are pulse generator and laser velocimeter, of which the control accuracy of the laser velocimeter is higher.