Latin men are slacker than Nordics.
It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker.
In most respects, Slacker is similar to both Pandora and
Slacker在很多方面都和Pandora、Last . fm差不多。
Slacker: Slacker is another popular radio recommendation service.
Slacker: Slacker是又一款人气很高的收听推荐服务。
Taxes are simpler and the jobs market is much slacker than in Brazil.
The new arrangements might oblige the slacker ones to be more engaged.
'Hard work is good for you, and you're not about to become a slacker'.
Slacker is one of several streaming audio companies focused on the mobile phone.
Factories moved shifts to nights and weekends, when demand for power is slacker.
Lynn is the biggest slacker at my office, but she is beautiful so we won't fire her.
But also what's important is that they're not slacker, lazy fish. They're super industrious.
Conventional wisdom says you have to choose between being a grind and a slacker. And that's that.
It's true that people can change, so don't ditch a guy just because he seems like a slacker at first.
I think I need help. I am a cyber slacker - powerless to resist the draw of the Internet. And it's not just me.
Poor harvests—which Niños often cause—might make recruiting rebels cheaper, as there is a slacker labour market.
歉收是厄尔尼诺通常会造成的后果。 歉收可能造成劳动力市场低迷从而降低叛军的拉壮丁成本;
One advantage of Slacker over its competitors is that it gives you more options to directly customize your stations.
Today, at work I was talking to a co-worker about what a slacker my manager was, and how all she did was stand around and talk.
You are not a slacker regardless of whether or not your "career" is in the workplace, or the home, or volunteer work, or whatever.
The popular slacker term of in difference was found "most annoying in conversation" by 47 percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll。
However, his dream of becoming a professional actor is obviously much less promising than Wang Zhao, who is a cynical slacker with a pretty face.
The problem: Every night, your workaholic boss is still glued to the computer when you need to leave. How to go home without looking like a slacker?
Richard Linklater is the director of Slacker, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and A Scanner Darkly. His latest film, Me and Orson Welles, is out now on DVD.
Pictured here is Sony's newest touch-screen X-Series Walkman, complete with a wireless antenna for getting onto hot spots and free music with the Slacker app.
The story centers on Scott, a 23-year-old musician-slacker who must win the heart of his new girlfriend by battling her exes (with surreal videogame flourishes).
The popular slacker term of indifference was found "most annoying in conversation" by 47 percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll released Wednesday.
So rather than just being some sunbathing slacker, they're really very industrious fish, that dance this wild dance between the surface and the bottom and through temperature.
所以跟一些喜欢日光浴的懒汉比起来,它们可辛勤地多,在海水表层和底层之间 在不同温度之间来回地舞蹈着。
The word, a mix of "slacker" and "activism, " is used to label activities that have little practical effect, such as signing Internetpetitions and taking part in short-term boycotts.
Respite came with the decline in oil prices from the late 1980s and an anomaly of the CAFE regulations that allowed passenger vehicles classed as light trucks a much slacker standard.
Respite came with the decline in oil prices from the late 1980s and an anomaly of the CAFE regulations that allowed passenger vehicles classed as light trucks a much slacker standard.