Finally I choose to lie down and close my eyes to imagine your beauty, falling into sleep unconsciously. In my dream your smile is so fresh and clear.
So if the old adage about getting your beauty sleep is true, what does that mean for watched POTS never boiling, or crying over spilled milk?
Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth, a recent research proves sleep does enhance your appearance.
You know how important good nutrition and exercise are for your health and beauty, but do you know sleep is crucial too?
Lonely George, whose supernatural gift has wrecked his chances with a giggly beauty he meets at an Italian cookery class, goes to sleep listening to Charles Dickens's audio books.
Beauty sleep, it's widely assumed, is one of those invented phenomena that parents use to ease their children's passage to bedtime.
I cannot sleep and my food has no savour and my eyes are darkened because of her beauty.
Unrequited love is the most beautiful appearance in love, but very few people will life in the like, because of such beauty is not all sleep over it.
There was a royal bed of carved wood with gold curtains in the center of the room. And on it, deep in sleep, lay Sleeping Beauty!
Having a glowing smartphone in your bedroom at night could do more than interrupt your beauty sleep - it could also make you fat, researchers have warned.
For the first time, say the authors, there is scientific backing for the concept of beauty sleep.
The Cupron Cosmetic Complexion-Enhancing sleep mask gives new meaning to the words "Beauty sleep".
Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth, a recent research proves sleep does enhance your appearance. What's more, experts recommend at least seven hours a night.
The concept of "beauty sleep" has acquired scientific backing, according to a Swedish study of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, the BBC reports.
Fiona: I'd better not. It's time to go and I really need my beauty sleep as I've got to get up very early in the morning.
Are we done with all the asking questions now? (Allen) Yeah, you've got to get your beauty sleep so we can video tape tomorrow!
我们现在问完问题了吗? (Allen)是的,你得去睡美容觉了,这样我们明天就能录视频了!
Forget glugging countless1 glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun.
Forget glugging countless1 glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun.