Without warning, a curtain of what looks like slimy ropes emerges out of the mist. They are hanging down from above, their source unseen, and are dragging over the ground with a faint swish.
当杰克走回到参孙时薄雾渐渐包围了他.能见度只有几米.毫无预兆的一层看起来像粘糊糊的粗绳似的东西从薄雾中显现.它们是从上面挂下来的 看不见其来源而且拖在地面发出微弱的沙沙声.杰克转身时虽然及时地看见了它们 但仍然被笼罩其中.
Without warning, a curtain of what looks like slimy ropes emerges out of the mist. They are hanging down from above, their source unseen, and are dragging over the ground with a faint swish.
当杰克走回到参孙时薄雾渐渐包围了他.能见度只有几米.毫无预兆的一层看起来像粘糊糊的粗绳似的东西从薄雾中显现.它们是从上面挂下来的 看不见其来源而且拖在地面发出微弱的沙沙声.杰克转身时虽然及时地看见了它们 但仍然被笼罩其中.