It is found that opposite sign dislocations appear on the slip plane immediately ahead of the crack tip.
The influence that the anchorage effect brings to the positive stress distribution on the slip plane will be considered.
Tranagranular cracks result from deformation damage of grain, and its propagation mechanism is shear rupture along slip plane.
Presumably it is due to their different critical values of the ratio of slip plane hardening rate to current tensile stress for shear localization.
Presumably, it is due to their different critical values of the ratio of slip plane hardening rate to current tensile stress for shear localization.
In order to study the effect of elastic modulus e, to the safety factor and slip plane of slope, a numerical model is founded in plane strain mode for homogeneous soil slope.
The upper bound method of limit analysis can be used for the stability analysis of reinforced earth; the internal works on the slip plane is the crux of the stability analysis.
The cleavage and schistosity acted as an axial plane role in the early generation of compressed shear fold, and changed into a slip plane in the later generation of flexural slip fold.
It is one of the effective methods for detecting position of slip plane, measuring thickness of slidebody, finding slip direction, calculating slipspeed and judging deep deformation case of slidebody.
Every time your plane gets passed between controllers, an updated flight progress slip gets printed and distributed to the new controller.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane it is a strike slip fault.
For single block mechanism, such as plane and log-spiral slip surface, the validity of this method has been verified by a typical two-dimensional example.
Faults which move along the direction of the dip plane are dip-slip faults and described as either normal or reverse, depending on their motion.
Furthermore, from the analytical results indicate that the shear band mode of discontinuous bifurcation is essentially identical with slip line in the plane strain condition.
The combination of a crystallographic plane and, within that plane, a crystallographic direction along which slip (i. e. , dislocation motion) occurs.
The slip in the dislocation plane produces blocking at an early stage and the uneasiness of slip at grain boundaries leads to high brittleness of the material after hot rolling.
The theory of slip-line field is an effective method for problems of plane strain of perfect plastic solids, and the circle-fan field is used frequently.
The expressions for the volume flow rate and thickness of enamel slip film flowing along an inclined plane have been obtained.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane, it is a strike slip fault.
From this, it has been inferred that the strike of the dislocating fault plane of the main shock is NWW. It seems to be a left lateral horizontal slip fault with high dipping Angle.
From this, it has been inferred that the strike of the dislocating fault plane of the main shock is NWW. It seems to be a left lateral horizontal slip fault with high dipping Angle.