The morning after the first night of my attempt, I found eels slithering around the floor of my kitchen and living room.
People were slithering about on the icy pavement.
The whole world was full of things rolling, slithering and falling.
So I said, ’ I’ll try to find a word for slithering, ’” Betty recalls.
So here I was slip-sliding and 12 slithering around, not exactly looking like a desirable mermaid.
Five hellcats came tearing around the corner for some reason slithering to a halt instead of leaping.
Before slithering into the dress, I was a giddy girl, comfortable sitting cross-legged on the carpet.
Honestly I know of nothing else that's this good for slithering about the smoke pouring off the back end.
THE capital is now under siege from the waters slithering down from the north towards the Gulf of Thailand.
The Dragon of Darkness is the Faceless Foe, the Slithering Shadow with a hundred faces and a thousand whispers.
They are also among the fastest snakes in the world, slithering at speeds of up to 12.5 miles per hour (20 kilometers per hour).
The seasons are come to a stagnant stop, the trees blench and wither, the wagons roll in the mica ruts with slithering harplike thuds.
Burmese pythons are thought to have found their way into the wild because pet-owners released them, and now thousands are slithering around there.
But the owner of Ada Barak's Carnivorous Plant Farm near Tel Aviv, Israel, believes she's harnessed the relaxing power of the slithering creatures.
He remembered the sound of a cloak slithering over dead leaves many years ago, and at once thought he heard it again before mentally shaking himself.
I liked the part when they fell into the snake pit and the snakes were slithering all over them, and then the bad guys found them and sealed the pit.
Conrad explains that scientists have come up with three candidates—iguanas, monitor lizards, and skinks—as the most likely relatives to have made way for the slithering snake.
Whether these creatures are swimming in ponds or slithering underfoot, numerous talented photographers have found them to be the perfect subjects for many beautiful compositions.
In the long term, then, the world’s battlefields may see machines that resemble some people’s worst nightmares, slithering as they do towards the enemy both on the ground and through the air.
The researchers calculated that in order to support the slithering giant, its tropical habitat would have needed a temperature of about 86 to 93 degrees Fahrenheit (30 to 34 degrees Celsius).
Nadege Brunacci was washing her hands in her bathroom before dawn Monday when she glanced back and saw the slithering serpent peeking out from her toilet, most of its body hidden in the pipes.
The robot is capable of slithering to places human firefighters cannot safely go and by attaching the robot to the end of a fire-hose it can extinguish fires that would otherwise be unstoppable.
The robot is capable of slithering to places human firefighters cannot safely go and by attaching the robot to the end of a fire-hose it can extinguish fires that would otherwise be unstoppable.