He was slouching in an armchair.
A slouching posture looks tired and uncaring.
Notice your mood, your energy levels, how your body feels, if you are frowning or slouching.
Behind the police car followed the black dog, slouching its tail, barking sorrowfully.
Slouching causes all sorts of problems with instrument holding position, and bow position.
Also, at all costs avoid the slouching shoulders or bad posture for that can ruin your picture.
Slouching or rolling your shoulders forward shortens your chest muscles and reduces their flexibility.
Look forward to new move the Seesaw in Track 7 which strengthens the muscles that stop you slouching.
You may be slouching because you're tired, but people may read it as a sign that you're not interested.
Look at your favorite movie stars and athletes, do you see them slouching, shoulders rounded, back curved?
When you think about the really bad things you can do in your life, slouching is not even in the top ten.
Slouching can make you look less professional and can possibly make you look less confident and enthusiastic.
Slouching not only makes you look older than you are, it also leads to a huge drop in energy by decreasing your oxygen intake.
Give up high-fat snacks, do 100 sit-ups a day, stand up straight when you catch yourself slouching or try to learn a new skill.
Give up high-fat snacks, do 100 sit-ups a day, stand up straight when you catch yourself slouching, try to learn a new skill.
Perhaps you find yourself hunching or slouching as you talk about what you want, or having a strong desire to bolt out of the room.
In emerging economies, too, greater prosperity means people are eating more and slouching behind desks instead of sweating in fields.
When it comes to posture, your mother did know best. Her frequent reminders to stand up straight and stop slouching were good advice.
If your back is rounded and your shoulders are slouching down by your side then your posture in the golf swing will often resemble this position.
First off, both people have to sit off to the side of the display, which can cause leaning, slouching, and twisting to get into a position to both see and type.
Slouching into a nearby chair, I found myself questioning the nature of our relationship, how uneasy I became when Nick gave me everything I supposedly wanted.
Though I knew my daughters would already be safely at school, and that my husband would surely still be slouching around in his pyjamas at home, I had to check.
In the recliner you should be able to move freely, change positions, and the height of the armrest should allow you to rest your arms without slouching your shoulders.
Have good posture. Sit or stand up straight and avoid slouching. Slouching can make you look less professional and can possibly make you look less confident and enthusiastic.
Contrarily losing the ability to recognize self-dissatisfaction we will bog down in the slouching morass: after all miserable experience teaches our consciousness to be acute.
There is a general worry that the required emissions cuts will be harder than expected to find, pushing up the cost of the permits and thus flattening an already slouching economy.
It's not as though slouching will give you a hunchback in a day, but 'if you do this day after day, and your muscles are not strong, the whole skeleton changes,' Dr. Golubic says.
It's not as though slouching will give you a hunchback in a day, but 'if you do this day after day, and your muscles are not strong, the whole skeleton changes,' Dr. Golubic says.