Mail in the Liberated Areas, I found, was slow but sure and a far better means of communication than the telephone for the average civilian.
He tries to play 10 matches a year, but is frustrated by being "a plodder, a grafter, slow but sure... you're either good or you're bad," he MUSES as our time draws to a close.
Some glaring uncertainly still needed to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road towards recovery.
Some glaring uncertainty still needed to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road towards recovery .
But you don’t have to do it alone. If you want the benefits of slow and aren’t sure how you can give up your speed addiction a slow coach can help.
'the global economy is still recovering, sure,' she said. 'But the recovery will be quite slow with some volatility.'
But modern jockeys-crouching, tightly coiled atop their galloping steeds-actively work to make sure their weight doesn't slow things down.
That idea's been around, but the trouble has been making sure the slow phone can still access incoming information.
Sure, but the car will go slow... and do remember to remove the batteries once you are done.
But in both countries these ancient, slow, and sure modes of conveyance, are now alike unknown.
I like cola voice…He has a very nice Voice for slow sound but I am not sure for Rock Music.
Sure, they're slow and steady, but lending is dull, not that profitable, as we have seen, so growth is limited.
Sure, they're slow and steady, but lending is dull, not that profitable, as we have seen, so growth is limited.