Slowly but surely, these platforms create a bridge between traditional enterprises and this emerging economy.
The results of these early efforts are as promising as they are peculiar, and the new nature-based AI movement is slowly but surely moving to the forefront of the field.
The answer to this riddle lies in the metabolic activity of early photosynthetic life-forms that slowly but surely transformed the chemical composition of Earth's atmosphere.
Slowly but surely, says Smith, chivalry is making a comeback.
Why? Because, slowly but surely, you are doing your gender a disservice.
Slowly but surely, however, bankruptcy law has changed in favour of the corporate debtor.
Slowly but surely Germans are shifting from idealism to realism, particularly over Iran.
Slowly but surely the Wall would be dismantled, as people made off with their very special souvenirs.
The financial crisis was horribly damaging. But slowly but surely we are building up a head of steam.
Well slowly but surely I proved myself, and the new editor liked me so he promoted me to features writer.
However, these have never lasted as slowly but surely the dark Ones have introduced their lower vibrations.
Slowly but surely, we learn about each person that works there and the relationship they have with each other.
The plan has always been intended to increase the energies slowly but surely, to allow for your gradual awakening.
Believe me, soon it will become an obsession (if it already isn't!) and slowly but surely you will be free of debt.
Slowly but surely your teams will start coming to you as opposed to you trying to 'sell' them on the value of reuse!
Slowly but surely, British tour operators, safari specialists and travel agents are beginning to re-engage with Zimbabwe.
Slowly but surely, however, skyscrapers are ornamenting the skyline, as London's commercial-property market returns to life.
Subsequently, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate.
Thus, what Bell calls the "Bill Gates-Larry Page-Sergey Brin-Mark Zuckerberg model," is slowly but surely being born in China.
Slowly but surely and relentlessly, the lost ground was recovered and we began to pass from the defensive to the offensive.
Prow and bouldered sea slugged it out all night, a clattering succession of growlers and bergy bits nudged aside, slowly but surely.
Vast amounts of timber would have been required to transport and erect the giant moai, and slowly but surely, the forests vanished.
Slowly but surely more journalists are getting the courage to speak their mind and report on the things that matter to them and the public.
This past year was one of those cycles for me — and slowly but surely the pieces that were thrown up in the air are falling into place.
But your tongue can't reach where your brush did, and your brush can't reach where the plaque is slowly but surely building up between each tooth.
They're not really thinking much about it on a conscious, active level. But underneath, it's sinking in and getting to them, slowly but surely.
They're not really thinking much about it on a conscious, active level. But underneath, it's sinking in and getting to them, slowly but surely.