Another portion of the ozonation off gas is diverted upstream for introduction into the oxygen treatment facility of the activated sludge treatment plant.
"Sewage sludge" means sludge arising from urban effluent treatment plant and includes pretreatment waste, scourings and unstabilised sludge.
It has also been constructed in two phases and is equipped with a Sequenced Batch Reactor plant and, soon, with a sludge treatment facility (digesters/centrifuges).
Siting of a sludge treatment system at a power plant, where high-pressure steam generated by the SCWO process could be fed into a steam header, would provide greater economic benefit.
Sewage sludge which mainly comes from the primary settling tank and discharge of surplus sludge is the deposit produced in each operating unit in municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Taking Changchun Shuangyang Wastewater Treatment Plant as example, the controlling methods of activated sludge culture and debugging operation of CAST at low temperature in the winter were introduced.
The method for solid waste and sludge disposal was proposed through analysis of solid waste generation and environment impact from the expanding project for Huangshi Wastewater Treatment Plant.
This article accords to practical dewatering situations of sludge in JiangXingZhong wastewater treatment plant, optimum dosage consumption is acquired through experiments.
Effects of land disposal of sewage sludge on grass and soil environment were studied. The sewage sludge used was from Northern Shenyang Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The characteristics of the sludge of a water treatment plant is essential for the designing of sludge treatment system.
Feasibility of sewage sludge compost of TEDA sewage Treatment Plant using on saline soil amelioration in coastal area was analyzed. Potential problems and relevant solutions were presented.
Through the examples of sludge utilization in a sewage treatment plant, the disposal and utilization of sludge in urban sewage treatment is discussed.
Appling the mixed sludge of raw sludge and waste activated sludge from sewage waste water treatment plant, this paper studies the factors during aerobic digestion process.
Sludge is the mechanical water plant and sewage treatment plants, with the use of the sedimentation tank, it is important and special equipment.
In this paper, application of sludge concentration and DE watering integration technique in sewage treatment plant is put forward, and bas IC principles and technical features are elaborated.
According to the result of certain sewerage treatment plant, this paper studied on energy saving of sludge treatment installation and proposed specific Suggestions and measures.
The technique design of Guanlin wastewater treatment plant of Yixing city is introduced. Aiming at water quantity and water quality this plant adopts method of circulated active sludge.
Discharged water treatment plant sludge (WTPS) without treatment could pollute the accepting water body and waste water resource.
Sludge: 1L from aeration tank of existing aerobic treatment plant, check SV30 and MLSS, MLVSS.
污泥:1L 取自现有现有好氧污水处理厂曝气池,测定SV30, MLSS和MLVSS。
A new concept is provided for the selection of sludge treatment technology in sewage treatment plant.
The process and experience of domesticating the activated sludge are introduced, which can provide reference for commissioning similar large-scale wastewater treatment plant.
Activated sludge process used most widely in wastewater treatment plant is often accompanied by filamentous bulking which happens readily and harms the operation of activated sludge process seriously.
As the byproduct of anaerobic sludge treatment, the biogas is a kind of potential utilizable resource in municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Undigested dewatered domestic sewage sludge from secondary treatment plant contained N 4.12%, of which organic form of N accounted for 93%.
This paper introduces the research and transformation of the sludge treatment equipment that Shanghai Taopu Industrial Zone Wastewater treatment Plant introduced from Finland in 1999.
Residual sludge from the small scale wastewater treatment plant is always a problem remained in biological wastewater treatment, it may cause secondary pollution if not disposed well.
The existing status of raw sludge from an urban wastewater treatment plant in Wuhan as well as its social, environmental and economic benefits generated from the reuse were analyzed.
The existing status of raw sludge from an urban wastewater treatment plant in Wuhan as well as its social, environmental and economic benefits generated from the reuse were analyzed.