The river is silted up and the water flows sluggishly.
Wages, a good gauge of Labour demand, are growing sluggishly.
They ticked by sluggishly, almost as if they were doing it just to annoy me.
There real value-added rose only sluggishly, but employment expanded significantly.
Jobs are still being lost, incomes are growing sluggishly and credit remains tight.
He saw the phosphorescent glimmer of a shark, like a sea ghost, drift sluggishly by.
Loaded with 870 gallons of gasoline and 40 gallons of oil, the ship moved sluggishly.
SOME LINES WILL differentiate into only certain cell types; others grow sluggishly in culture.
I'm a lazy person and do things sluggishly. Hence I am tardy for not only your class, but also other ones.
To be sure, consumers often respond sluggishly to events, but this crisis has not suddenly crept up on people.
Chelsea began sluggishly, unable to pass the ball with any fluidity as they were stifled by United's five-man midfield.
And the economy appears to have begun the year sluggishly (although bad weather has made it harder than usual to tell).
You may have noticed this when driving: those distant phone poles pass sluggishly while the ones on the road go zooming by.
Developed economies' imports are expected to recover sluggishly amid slow recovery in consumption and capacity utilization.
Sluggishly rising pile of fire, burning out in the col, I do not know is the red sun rising or the continuation of the evening.
The netbooks they bought were underpowered PCs that performed sluggishly and could not handle many popular software applications.
Why you progress, since around your second year, so sluggishly, or step over and over in the same place, or even go back? And why?
为什么在大二以后英语进步极其缓慢,或者是原地踏步,甚至是倒退? !为什么!
Previous changes in carbon dioxide levels were due to natural factors, such as rock weathering, and occurred very sluggishly, over many millenia.
Meanwhile, the supply of crude oil "is responding sluggishly to the ongoing pickup in demand, largely reflecting the policy stance of OPEC," the IMF said.
Official statistics say that the economy has been growing for nearly 15 months, but so sluggishly that most people seem to think it is still in recession.
She is seated against a front window of the terminal, taxis and private cars moving sluggishly beyond her in the gathering darkness: she seems engrossed in a book.
Also, if the earnings drop, they don't want to suddenly do a crash cut in their dividends either, so they're always sluggishly adjusting toward the target payout rate.
Her half-finished antidote, comprising fifty-two ingredients, including a chunk of her own hair, bubbled sluggishly behind Slughorn, who had eyes for nobody but Harry.
Reducing or removing the usleep function calls can improve the speed of the keypress event sending, but may cause other issues when the system is responding sluggishly.
But I was casually have chosen very sluggishly the day which these completely ignoranted, sent out in this is despairing in the smell life to drift about has lost the direction.
Since then, inflationary expectations have stabilised at around 2%, which means that inflation responds more sluggishly to demand (as the recessions of 1990-91 and 2001 demonstrated).
Unemployment has remained sluggishly high in part because both small and large companies have been reluctant to take on additional employees in an uncertain and threatening environment.
PC proponents say phones are too small and connect too sluggishly to the internet to become effective at tasks now performed on the luxuriously large screens and keyboards of today's computers.
PC proponents say phones are too small and connect too sluggishly to the internet to become effective at tasks now performed on the luxuriously large screens and keyboards of today's computers.