This small fry was soon mixing with top executives from major corporations.
That was small fry compared with the city's Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people.
But their woes are growing along with those of commercial property, to which the small fry are particularly exposed.
This helps the small fry to assemble top-notch technology and make money from renting it to others.
Unlike large companies, for whom bond markets have reopened, the small fry find that capital remains scarce (though demand for loans has also dropped).
The Kaczynskis are creating monstrous difficulties for small fry. But they are not catching big fish, such as the tycoons who have prospered so mysteriously in recent years.
Heat a wok or large skillet until hot. Add 4 ounces of the oil and stir-fry the pork, stirring with a spatula to break it into small pieces.
Some small fry were tortured in the Tower and, tainted by Percy, the Earl of Northumberland was imprisoned there until 1621.
Such small fry are prey, and as the number of older, predatory fish increased, yearling haddock suffered disproportionately.
Despite spinning webs of Spider-Man-like size and strength, the Darwin's bark spider USES them to feed mainly on small fry-insects such as mayflies and dragonflies, the team found.
You? You're nothing but a small fry. I need to talk to someone a lot more important if I want some help.
When you braise meat or a vegetable, you fry it quickly and then cook it slowly in a covered dish with a small amount of liquid.
Lead could affect neural functions, mostly intellectuality development of infant as well as learning and memory of small-fry.
A kind of worthy of large medium small investor concern of good equipments, suitable for fry goods factory, market, market, supermarket residents area village to gather city etc. fix management.
If Chao Po-tao, the famous bull, sells, the small-fry holders will panic and rush to sell out. Then, of course, when people see the market is falling, a lot of new bears will be coming on the scene.
Stir-fry: stir Hong ground meat, turn the small hot fragrant garlic, chili, open sun, dried radish, cauliflower, stir-fry seasoning.
When you go there make sure you deal with the sales manager, not any of the small fry who work for him.
Place a small amount of oil in wok and heat until wok is hot. Stir in chili, Onions and peppers and stir-fry briefly.
Ji ao mai ya: slightly stir fry germinated barley seeds with small fire in a frying pan till yellowish brown. Take out and spray with clean water and dry under the sun.
Shark Tale is about a small-fry fish named Oscar who dreams of being a big fish in the ocean.
Shark Tale is about a small-fry fish named Oscar who dreams of being a big fish in the ocean.