And now, YakPak's large roster of boutique customers dependably receive their small-lot orders.
The machine is applicable to small-lot and single piece manufacturing with low price and convenient maintenance.
The skilled ratio is the important parameter that affects the precise planning of diversified small-lot production.
With the increasingly enlarging upon application fields, hot exchanger obviously presents the trend of many varieties and small-lot manufacture with single production.
A curtailed normal distribution as a theoretical model for the error distribution of size of the machine parts and instrument parts in single - part or small-lot production is proposed in this paper.
"Did you have any trouble?" Byron asked, driving into a small parking lot and changing the subject in the same neat manoeuvre.
The tugboat is small and dark and it's making a lot of smoke, but it's very strong, because it's pulling the much bigger ship.
But then at other Clovis sites, there's also a lot of evidence that the Clovis people mostly gather plants and hunted small game, like rabbits and wild turkeys.
Most ground surveys involve a lot of walking, looking for surface clues such as small fragments of pottery.
With wild carrots, the roots are white, small and skinny, so you'd have to pick a lot of wild carrots to get enough to eat.
Pineapple, pear, apple and orange, a lot of sweet smell, all hid in the small rain!
A club can influence people a lot even if it has only a few members, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being small.
I have to pay a small amount of deductible, but it is still a lot less than I would have to pay to fix the car myself.
The boy had a lot of small glass balls.
We're a small startup with a lot of ambition and a lot of ideas.
If this is the case a lot of design principles for small systems don't work any longer.
Don't start with a lot of expenses - start small, with zero or almost zero expenses.
A lot of small businesses still have trouble getting the loans and capital they need to keep their doors open and hire new workers.
Similarly, if the work package is too small, it would consume a lot of effort in managing.
Internet Explorer 7 calls back to onreadystatechange a lot — and I mean a lot, even on small requests.
I do feel like there are a lot of small alternatives out there: community agriculture, people living by barter, people living off the grid.
"A lot of this is abstracted by small farmers with small Wells," Bierkens said.
A lot of small businesses are also seen likely to take on too much credit card debt that may ultimately push them under.
There are a lot of small regional conferences and gatherings where you can actually get involved in community building - and making a contribution to that community.
She said a lot of small companies will suffer the consequences of Wall Street's lax lending practices.
Store owners, particularly small store owners, have a lot more pressing worries on their mind than whether or not they have a website.
Katherine gave a friendly wave and continued up the winding access road to her usual parking spot at the bottom of the small, two-tiered lot.
Another report cited legal complications because Zhang's brother had sold a small portion of the lot to a rural resident who legally couldn't buy urban land.
Small telescopes see a lot of sky but can detect only strong signals. Large ones, which can detect weak signals, have a narrow focus.
Small telescopes see a lot of sky but can detect only strong signals. Large ones, which can detect weak signals, have a narrow focus.