The results show that the main causes of small-old trees are the soil water deficiency, the low water utilization rate and the low fertility in soil.
Dixie pushed me back to my apartment, through the quiet neighborhood of small, old houses and big, old trees.
They went past small villages and burgeoning housing developments, past abandoned apple orchards, back to where trees and brush have devoured old homesteads.
Another is more than ten meters around. The huge old trees can make you feel very, very small.
I am curious looked at houses of this household, a small melon stands, the old pine trees also the kinds of Several Strains of flowers, in front of mother and chick chickens pecking the ground grain.
We proposed a solution square as a platform covered with a clear cube, leaving a small green fields around the preserved old trees.
The hundred years old, romantic and warm transformed and into the small fat cat inn yard kind with flowers and trees and some bonsai and coordinated handwork a communal beauty.
There are towering old trees outside the houses, around which are beautiful small streams winding their way around the village households.
There are towering old trees outside the houses, around which are beautiful small streams winding their way around the village households.