Tacke's team might very well have found small amounts of Masurium in the ore sample.
Those are admittedly fine distinctions from a small sample, but I would argue that it's the trend that counts.
This is hardly definitive, given the small sample, but it does caution against jumping to the conclusion that economists are biased simply because of their relationships with firms.
You've got to be cautious when drawing conclusions from a relatively small sample.
The researchers acknowledged the statistical limitations of the study due to the small sample size.
However, critics of this system argue that the norms established by cs are out of date and based on small sample sizes.
From this small sample alone, 47 new businesses were registered by people coming to BIPC, creating 115 jobs.
First, 30 patients is quite a small sample, so the results should be treated cautiously.
However, given the small sample size and limited nature of the population studied, naturally these results should be taken with a grain of salt until replicated by other researchers.
Bernardi's study is limited by a small sample size and uniformity between participants-all were healthy Caucasians between the ages of 24 and 26.
贝尔纳迪的研究由于参与者的样本量小和一致性而受限——都是年龄在24 - 26的健康白种人。
In their experiment, Tao and Huang showed that applying a 1.3 T magnetic pulse to a small sample of blood can significantly reduce it's viscosity.
Images of cells are necessary to distinguish diseased cells from healthy ones, but currently, pictures are taken manually under a microscope from a very small sample of blood.
U of m professor Dr. Brent Coker also surveyed a small sample of office workers (300 to be exact) and came to a rather different conclusion.
The study involved a small sample size -- just 20 students -- and more work needs to be done to understand the disconnect between your intentions and your actions.
starting with automation – try a small sample project, plan upfront, don’t postpone or delegate, avoid automating existing manual scripts, gain trust with UI tests
Everyone outside Africa is descended from a small group that left some 50, 000 years ago, carrying away only a small sample of the available genetic diversity.
In part 2 I'll get practical and run through a series of steps to design a small sample mobile eCommerce site, applying what was learned in this article.
In a small sample of its fossil, the scientists found two types of melanosomes.
But usability tests force you to make assumptions based on a small sample of customers.
I say that 667 white couples is a pretty small sample to be making such bold claims.
It's also worth pointing out that the study involved a relatively small sample of girls: 83 in total, which doesn't seem like a large enough group to form any definitive, universal conclusions.
XML libraries are often designed for and tested on small sample files.
Finally, I offer a small sample override for those who want to bypass specific elements, and suggest items to use for more extensive overrides.
Hayabusa, which means falcon in Japanese, landed on the irregularly shaped asteroid in 2005 and scientists think it managed to pick up a small sample of material.
A cellphone's effect on the brain is very weak, so you lose statistical power with small sample sizes and durations, "said Volkow."
You can use a small sample of test data to check to see if the logic of the assembly is correct.
Twelve times over the next two weeks, most of these children were presented with a small sample of their target vegetable and encouraged to eat it.
While we had some talented players in beta, it's still a very small sample size.
In studies with small sample sizes, imbalances between the two groups can easily occur despite randomisation .
In studies with small sample sizes, imbalances between the two groups can easily occur despite randomisation .