The professor took a small potato that had sprouted out.
Some even do make-up slightly. Are you aware that previous"small potato" Ma Xiaoxiao becomes a piece of cheese cake recently?
That of his makes personages natural in the destiny temple of the performance, unique single visual Angle, and enrich the plural language, settle solid foundation for the write of small potato.
This book gives examples of how one small action, such as making potato crisps, puts people in danger.
There is a glass of water, three beans, a cold boiled potato and a small piece of burned meat.
They called a submarine an iron fish and a small bomb thrown by hand a potato.
Different strategies are needed for the "transforming economies" of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, where potato systems are characterized by very small, intensively managed commercial farms.
Top a small baked potato with 2 tablespoons fat-free plain yogurt and sprinkle with Cajun seasoning.
Put potato chips in a small bowl rather than eating them right out of the bag, for example.
Thiss jacket potato with limp green vegetables and a small packet of Sunflower spread.
Effects of straw mulch on soil erosion and water, soil temperature, sorts and multitudes of small animals, weeds growth and potato productivity were studied through field experiments.
Don't ask me how a big thing like a spaceship can go into a thing as small as a potato. I was probably asleep when the robot teacher told me the answer to that!
In the father's hands was the potato stalk and from its straggling thin roots there hung a cluster of tiny new potatoes, smaller than small marbles.
This calls for two small fist sized leftover potatoes, but Im sure one large potato would work, too.
Buy small packages of food Bonus-size boxes of cookies, crackers, pretzels and potato chips may be a deal, but they encourage overeating.
The dosa is a small one, which is good, because it is very filling with all the potato inside.
For instance, try putting potato chips in a small bowl rather than eating them right out of the bag.
False truffles (genus Rhizopogon) form small, underground, potato-like structures under coniferous trees in parts of North America.
The rocks are made of potato and bread. A small boat made of beans completes the scene.
In their wisdom, Meiji have created a new way to sell chocolate. They figure if they get a small clump of Fried potato chips and dip them in chocolate, then they will end up with a desirable snack.
In their wisdom, Meiji have created a new way to sell chocolate. They figure if they get a small clump of Fried potato chips and dip them in chocolate, then they will end up with a desirable snack.