Many of the world's most climate-vulnerable countries, the majority of which are African or small island states, produce a very small quantity of emissions.
Others quoting higher trial or deer small quantity suggest.
Newton says he has abandoned the infinitesimal or infinitely small quantity.
How the small quantity purchase transaction through account while not through cash?
Use plenty of vegetables because the cooking boils them all down to a small quantity.
Use plenty of vegetables because the cooking boils them all down to a small quantity.
A small quantity of vodka and Red Bull, or gin and tonic, does not achieve the same effect.
少量的伏特加和红牛(Red Bull),或者杜松子酒和汤力水都达不到相同的效果。
Being able to sell a very small quantity was important because it gave me confidence to plant more.
As you are not familiar with the quality of the product, we recommend buying a small quantity for trial.
In large scale melting pro-ess, superheating often occurs, but chondrodite forms only in a small quantity.
We recommend that you use a small quantity and replace regularly rather than a large amount and infrequently.
Inspectors know have bad board, to the small quantity of board for heavy inspection, to follow the confirmation OQC.
The design principle and main structure of a bottle filling device for small quantity powdery material are discussed.
A small quantity of smoke was still coming out nearly two hours later, but engineers were reported to have resumed work.
There are certainly being problems in the sale work at the first stage. But suppose you order a small quantity for a trail.
Results show that co-braided optical fibers have just a small quantity of effect on the elastic modulus of the braided composites.
And say: Thus saith the king: Put this fellow in prison, and give him bread and water in a small quantity till I return in peace.
Results: Anchoring cells were mostly amelanotic melanocyte in early stage, only a small quantity of keratinocyte and none of fibroblast.
Apply a small quantity of COMMON GREASE (Material No. 04-012) to the contact faces of the temperature sensor (33) and the new packing (32).
给温度传感器(33)和新封圈(32)的接触面涂上少量普通油脂(材料号04- 012)。
It would be impossible for us to supply this small quantity in materials of varying design and colour, without considerably raising prices.
The collectorless electrochemistry flotation of commensal sulphur minerals is realized by adding a small quantity of electrochemical regulators.
The calcite layer and aragonite layers are multi-scale structure , and a small quantity of organic matrix distributes mainly in their grain boundary.
The experimental results showed that Mn doping in small quantity was effective to improve the cycle stability and reversible capacity of the material.
As thermal expansion conditions develop, pressure builds up to the setting of the relief valve. This will cause discharging of small quantity of water.
Analytical results show that the TEM and CSAMT can be applied to prospecting landslide rapidly by a small quantity of drilling for design of engineering.
Project Content: Establish a production line with the use of straw, orange peduncle, adjunct with small quantity of special material to produce the plank.
For a loss modulation where the threshold carrier density may change, the neglected term may become comparable to the retained first order small quantity.
Chinese prices for electronic parts, especially in small quantity, is a factor of 10x cheaper than what I buy here in the US (and I typically buy in 100s).
The previous steps give an attractive but overdone effect. Blending in a small quantity of the original unmodified image makes the effect much more realistic.
The previous steps give an attractive but overdone effect. Blending in a small quantity of the original unmodified image makes the effect much more realistic.