Latinos are a much smaller part of the population in the South, but they are here.
Unfortunately, sadness is a part of life. If you'd like some tips on how to make it a smaller part, read on.
It's just a case of 'if I'm building this one part anyway, I might as well build this similar smaller part as well'.
With GE Capital acting as a drag on the company, he vows that in the future finance will be a smaller part of the company.
With Capital acting as a drag on the company, he vows that in the future finance will be a smaller part of the company.
A better alternative is to give regulators draconian power but over a smaller part of Banks' balance-sheets, so that the panic is contained.
Thus in the statement "I have ten fingers" perception plays a smaller part, and conception a larger part, than in such a statement as "this is red."
The arguments against it are that, first, oil is a smaller part of the economy today and, second, that central Banks have learned not to accommodate inflation.
The fallacies of DIY economics are mostly the result of generalisation: we mistakenly infer the properties of the whole from our limited experience of a smaller part.
Many observers have commented on what seems to be the fact that fear plays a much smaller part than we should think it must in the life of an animal which lives dangerously.
Parallel Job Manager tier, also part of Compute Grid, decomposes large jobs into smaller partitions and provides operational control over partitioned jobs executing across the cluster.
As each serializer creates an expression and invokes a serializer to handle a smaller part of the statement as a whole, the serializer pushes an expression context on the context stack.
But under Internet's mode, some phenomena need explaining with the long end theory, can assemble, stand up, may create loud economic worth a large number of market value relatively smaller part.
Roids are, for the most part anyway, they are just smaller bits of asteroids and comets.
The other part of the project is an undirected search which is monitoring all of space with a lower sensitivity, using the smaller antennas of NASA's Deep Space Network.
It still has to go into a container. That is, in part, why smaller and softer containers have taken off.
The part of the nose critical in controlling body temperature is smaller in the pug than in the normocephalic German Shepherd.
While the "social" part may have swept the web, there are still plenty of tools that focus on allowing smaller groups to get things done.
If the Windows overlap, online tasks may be performed during the offline window (in the part that overlaps), and this takes time away from offline tasks, which are already running in a smaller window.
A module is one of the bigger, course-grained building blocks that is composed of smaller, fine-grained blocks known as components, a component is the part of a module that is the actual service.
Smaller indoor theaters also became a part of the Greek and Roman culture.
But if you really want exposure to this revenue and profit stream, you need to look at smaller Banks, where wealth management is a bigger part of revenue.
A reconstruction of a smaller tower, it is a renovation in more than one sense.The soulless financial centre of la defense is getting a facelift, as part of a grand plan for Greater Paris.
A reconstruction of a smaller tower, it is a renovation in more than one sense. The soulless financial centre of la defense is getting a facelift, as part of a grand plan for Greater Paris.
In countries such as Mexico and Brazil, CCT programs were introduced as part of larger efforts to make safety nets more effective, replace badly targeted subsidies, or integrate smaller programs.
In countries such as Mexico and Brazil, CCT programs were introduced as part of larger efforts to make safety nets more effective, replace badly targeted subsidies, or integrate smaller programs.