The first thing viewers usually say when they see me in the flesh is "You're smaller than you look on TV."
According to the requirements, the size of text in students' textbooks should be no smaller than nine-point.
Sharks are smaller than whales.
Parasites are usually smaller than their hosts.
They were perfectly round white things a trifle smaller than an English walnut.
In Scotland, there are only 400 wildcats, but these are much smaller than wolves.
Their piece of bread was given to them, but it was still smaller than the time before.
Though smaller than many other phocids, harbor seals are similar in size to most otariids.
It is smaller than a finger-nail, but it can store more than a million "bits" of information.
Similarly, it's smaller than most of its competitors, thus fitting easily into a pocket or handbag.
Sir Isaac Newton was very much smaller than a hippopotamus, but we do not on that account value him less.
"The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there would be eight people living in each one," Kaitlin said.
It had a brain that might have been even smaller than that of a modern lemur, a primate with primitive traits.
The solar system also has two analogous classes of objects, smaller than planets—namely, asteroids and comets.
In Europe, the proportion of people living in cities was always smaller than that of the workforce working in factories.
When scientists now think about future machines doing large and complex tasks, they're thinking smaller than ever before.
At Einstein's autopsy in 1955, his brain was something of a disappointment: it turned out to be a tad smaller than the average Joe's.
在1955 年对爱因斯坦尸体的解剖中,他的大脑多少让人有些失望:它结果比一般男子的大脑还稍微小一点。
Studies suggest that to date the variability in computer simulations is considerably smaller than in data obtained from the proxy records.
Only then can they hope to describe conditions at the Big Bang, when all space and time was compressed into a volume far smaller than a proton.
If Earth's orbit were only 5 percent smaller than it is, temperatures during the early stages of Earth's history would have been high enough to vaporize the oceans.
Because sloth bears are smaller than brown and polar bears and are under greater threat from dangerous animals, they may have adopted the extra precaution of carrying their cubs.
All girls schools tend to be smaller than coeducational schools, which means teachers will be able to tailor the materials to girl students’ personal learning styles and interest.
All girls schools tend to be smaller than coeducational schools, which means teachers will be able to tailor the materials to girls, students, personal learning styles and interest.
The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a pack of cigarettes.
Farms in France are much smaller than those in the United States or even Britain.
The population of Suihua is much smaller than that of Harbin.
When the house was built, it was much smaller than it is today.
I got a cheap and simple room, much smaller than my own room back home.
We just care about the problems like illness and hunger, and never see that these problems are much smaller than everything else we have in our life.
"Heidi," Clara said,"of course you can't; you are much smaller than I am."