Updates for the Hipparcos data in 2007 allowed Bobylev to calculate the likelihood that Gliese 710 might smash into our solar system.
In 2004, NASA scientists announced that there was a chance that Apophis, an asteroid larger than two football fields, could smash into Earth in 2029.
In seconds the jet's cannon would fire. In seconds it would all BE over. Our bomBEr would fold. It would streak down to smash in the mountains BElow.
In seconds the jet's cannon would fire. In seconds it would all be over. Our bomber would fold. It would streak down to smash in the mountains below.
In a few billion years our own Milky Way will smash into our neighbor galaxy, Andromeda, and perhaps it will look something like this to the aliens watching from afar.
If you made the furniture with our resins, in principle you could just smash it, or burn it, or use it for energy.
Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places.
EU leaders have in effect condoned Russia's smash and grab.
The little river began to rise. The commander of Confederate forces in Richmond saw this as a chance to smash a large part of McClellan's army.
The shrimps lie in wait on the seabed and either smash or spear their prey with their heavily calcified claws.
But if you made it with our resins, in principle you could just smash it, or burn it, or use it for energy.
Our pick: when the brothers, in an attempt to escape the police, take a sharp turn and smash through aisles of merchandise in a toy store.
Six years later, when the magazine was already a smash hit, the magazine ran an article about an exclusive chain of clubs called the Gaslight clubs, where customers were served by women in corsets.
As they smash up neat Georgian barracks, the Russians curse their own poverty and hail their victory in the same breath.
And as I sit with my IV drip, I'm mindful of those in government and business who would smash the delicate mechanism of the hospital and shatter the network of dependence that sustains me.
Both are hadron colliders: machines that smash protons into each other, or into their antimatter kin, at a smidgen below the speed of light in order to create shrapnel in the form of other particles.
The machine, which was designed to smash together beams of protons in a bid recreate conditions after the Big Bang, was launched with great fanfare last year.
That afternoon, I had three FT maintenance men standing over the bike and trying in vain to smash the lock with wire cutters and a hacksaw.
I hope James doesn't smash it to bits before we get to put it in the museum.
His cavalry would smash through the redoubts opening the way for the infantry to scale the Russians' wooden walls and engage them in hand-to-hand fighting.
Crash slipped into the theaters in May 2005, and quietly became both a smash hit and a critical success.
Examples including that Gerrard goal in the 2006 fa Cup final, and Mark Hughes's famous scissor-smash against Spain.
They also sometimes pick up weeds or a piece of wood with their beaks, twirl in a circle, and smash the object on the water.
They also sometimes pick up weeds or a piece of wood with their beaks, twirl in a circle, and smash the object on the water.