These are risks like HIV infection, malnutrition, diabetes, smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, indoor air pollution and, above all, limited access to basic care for the poorest people.
Smoking increases the risk of cancer for those in the vicinity of the smoker; alcohol abuse and gambling are strongly associated with violence and family breakdown.
Cancer of the oesophagus is linked especially to smoking and alcohol abuse but hot beverages have also been considered a risk factor, possibly because of damage to throat tissue.
Smoking and alcohol abuse are the major causes, but 25 percent of oral cancers appear in people who have never smoked or drunk to excess.
The trifecta of alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking and a high body mass index may be linked with alcohol-related brain injuries, a new study finds.
In the early teens, there is a greater susceptibility to peer pressure, potentially resulting in alcohol abuse and smoking.
10 - 15岁之间的孩子们则会面临更多来自同伴的压力,可能导致的结果就是酗酒或者抽烟。
In fact, a lack of social bonds can damage your health as much as alcohol abuse and smoking, and even more than obesity and lack of exercise, a 2010 study suggests.
Depression has also been linked to other cardiovascular risk factors such as insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, increased cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse and physical inactivity.
Conclusion: Old age, low income, low education level, smoking, and alcohol abuse were significant predictors of wearing complete dentures.
Other factors that may increase the risk of osteoporosis include a lack of exercise, alcohol abuse, some medications (steroids) and smoking.
Other risk factors for incident HF include age, African American race, hypertension, current smoking, diabetes, body mass index, and alcohol abuse.
Smoking and alcohol abuse were once considered the only major risk factors for these cancers, but this is no longer the case.
Smoking and alcohol abuse were once considered the only major risk factors for these cancers, but this is no longer the case.